Crime, Law and Society (3-3-0)
An overview and description of the criminal justice system is presented, including its goals, its relationship to other governmental bodies and its relationship to society. Also included is the study of the basic components of the criminal justice system. (CRIJ 1301) |
The Police System (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: CJ 1301
An overview of philosophical and ethical issues surrounding the role of police in a democratic society. (CRIJ 2328) |
The Criminal Court System (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: CJ 1301
The history, philosophy and basic concepts of the legal system are studied. The criminal justice legal process from inception to appeal is also presented. (CRIJ 1306) |
The Correctional System (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: CJ 1301
The historical and philosophical development of the correctional system is examined. The role of correctional agencies, their personnel and their relationship to the criminal justice system is emphasized. (CRIJ 2313) |
Research Methods in Criminal Justice (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: CJ 1301 or departmental approval
Introduction to the design and implementation of research in the field of criminal justice. The principles of research methods and design for use in policy analysis, content analysis and analysis of secondary data will be presented. Considerable attention will be given to the application of design and implementation as it relates to criminal justice within a real world context. |
Criminology (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: CJ 1301, PSY 1303 or SOC 1303
An overview of criminal behavior, its impact on the criminal justice system and theories of criminal behavior are presented. |
Criminal Investigation (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Completion of 15-hour Criminal Justice core
The history and theory of criminal investigation, investigative procedures, conduct at the crime scene, collection and preservation of evidence and problems of successful prosecution are studied. The law and procedure affecting case preparation and presentation are emphasized. |
Criminal Law (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Completion of 15-hour Criminal Justice core
This course examines the elements of the various specific crimes against persons and property, along with associated legal concerns. General legal principles are studied and related to the Texas Penal Code. |
Criminal Evidence and Procedure (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Completion of 15-hour Criminal Justice core
Laws of evidence and procedure are studied through examination of case law and the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. Emphasis is given to the rules governing admissibility of various classes of evidence, as well as their exceptions. |
Crime and Delinquency (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Completion of 15-hour Criminal Justice core
Delinquent behavior and the role and responsibility of the criminal justice system in controlling delinquency is examined. Special emphasis is placed on social problems contributing to delinquency as well as current treatment methods. |
Police Community Relations (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Completion of 15-hour Criminal Justice core
The nature of the community and its impact on the police is explored. Those factors which contribute to conflict and inhibit police-community relations are studied in order to discover how the police and the community can achieve a more cooperative relationship. |
Juvenile Justice System (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Completion of 15-hour Criminal Justice core
The history, philosophy and role of the juvenile court with emphasis on jurisdiction, treatment, criminal proceedings and the family court is presented. |
Security and the Law (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Completion of 15-hour Criminal Justice core
The functional aspects of private and public security agencies, including industrial, commercial, campus, governmental and private security and their roles in the criminal justice system. |
Police Organization and Administration (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Completion of 15-hour Criminal Justice core
Traditional and contemporary methods of police organization, administration and operations are reviewed with emphasis on structure, personnel management and the role of the police supervisor and supervisory problems. |
Ethics of Social Control (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing, or permission of instructor
This course explores the role of law in controlling behavior, examines questions of individual responsibility and governmental authority and covers professional ethics in law, corrections and law enforcement. |
Institution-Based Corrections (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Completion of 15-hour Criminal Justice core
This course is a comprehensive examination of the history, philosophy and management of prisons. The effectiveness of jails and prisons for the purposes of retribution, incapacitation, deterrence and rehabilitation is evaluated. |
Community-Based Corrections (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Completion of 15-hour Criminal Justice core
The history, philosophy and legal authority of community correctional alternatives is presented. Community corrections include probation, parole, fines, diversion, restitution, community treatment centers, work/study release centers and half-way houses. |
Security Investigations (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Completion of 15 hour Criminal Justice core
An extensive survey and evaluation is made of security investigative techniques and resources established by legal restrictions. Special emphasis is placed on investigation, interview and interrogation techniques unique to the field of security. |
Victimology (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Junior standing
Examines the role of the victim in the criminal process. Emphasis is given to victims rights and responsibilities) |
Race and Crime (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Junior standing
Examines impact of race on victimization, criminal behavior and type and seriousness of legal sanctions. Emphasis is given to disproportionate representation of minorities in the criminal justice system. |
Sex Crimes
Prerequisite: Completion of 15-hour Criminal Justice core
Examines sexual activities prohibited by law with special attention given to activities of rape, prostitution, homosexuality, abortion issues, pornography, some serial murders, and juvenile related offenses. Emphasis will also be given to causative factors and societal attitudes concerning these crimes and others which have a sexual orientation. |
Legal Research (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Junior standing
Study of the principles of legal problem solving using research materials available in a law library. Students will be introduced to various legal texts, Shepards citations, statutes, case reporters. Assignments involve practical research applications. |
Statistics in Criminal Justice
Prerequisite: CJ2304 or departmental approval and Math 1301 or 1310
Introduction to data analysis in criminal justice. Emphasis will be placed on the application of quantitative measures to the study of the prevention, interdiction and suppression of criminal behavior. The course will examine both descriptive and inferential statistics. In addition, students will be introduced to data analysis through the use of statistical computer software. |
Police Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: CJ 3310
The role of the chief executive and command level personnel is presented. Organization, structure and functions are examined through the application of the principles of management and human relations. Special emphasis is given to those areas which most concern top management, such as planning, supervision and policy development. Current police management problems and practices are examined. |
Organized Crime (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Senior standing and completion of 15 hour Criminal Justice core
A historical survey is made of organized crime including basic knowledge of the organizational function and structure of crime. Societal factors, preventive techniques and control systems are stressed. |
Vice, Drugs and the Law (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Senior standing and completion of 15 hour Criminal Justice core
The historical, philosophical and legal aspects of vice activities and drugs is examined. An analysis is made of the reactions of the police and society to victimless crime. The classification, description and extent of the drug problem is surveyed. |
Correctional Counseling (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: CJ 3312
An introduction to the philosophy and objectives of counseling. The prison is viewed as a community and the group counseling process in this setting is given special attention. Problems relating to custody and treatment are examined. |
Legal Rights of the Convicted (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: CJ 3312
A comprehensive analysis of the legal rights of prisoners, probationers and parolees derived from case law, statutes and constitutional principles on both state and federal levels. |
Criminal Court Administration (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Completion of 15 hour Criminal Justice core and 3 additional hours in law-related course work
The role of the criminal court manager is explored. The organization, structure and operations of criminal courts are examined through the application of principles of supervision, management and human relations. |
Security Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: CJ 3309 or CJ 3315
The organization, administration and management of the security function is examined from the perspective of efficiency and effectiveness. This course surveys organizations in business, industry and government. Particular emphasis is placed upon policy and decision-making, training, personnel development and budgeting. |
Research Topics (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Criminal justice major, senior standing and department approval
This course provides a unique opportunity for the criminal justice major to conduct in-depth research into an area of the students field of interest. A major paper is required. |
International Criminal Justice (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Criminal justice major and senior standing
Examines and analyzes the structure and operation of various criminal justice systems from an international perspective. |
Women and the Criminal Justice System (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Criminal justice major and senior standing
Provides an in-depth look at womens participation in three areas of criminal justice - as offenders, as victims and as criminal justice professionals. |
Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Criminal Justice major and junior/senior standing
Students will address current issues in criminal justice. Analytical skills to frame the problem and suggest solutions will be stressed. The oral and written presentations in class will emphasize problem solving techniques and analysis. Ethical, political and social issues that impact criminal justice research will also be examined. |
Field Experience
Prerequisites: Criminal justice major, junior standing, 2.5 GPA and departmental approval
Selected students are placed in criminal justice agencies for 120 hours, applying academic training to practical situations. Recommended for criminal justice majors who are not employed in the criminal justice system. Practitioners, however, may apply for an internship in an area of criminal justice other than the one in which they normally function. |
Special Topics in Criminal Justice (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Criminal justice major and senior standing
Selected topics or current issues in criminal justice, taught by faculty, visiting lecturers or others who possess a special area of expertise. |
Field Experience
Prerequisites: Criminal justice major, junior standing, 2.5 GPA and departmental approval
Selected students are placed in criminal justice agencies for 240 hours, applying academic training to practical situations. Recommended for criminal justice majors who are not employed in the criminal justice system. Practitioners, however, may apply for an internship in an area of criminal justice other than the one in which they normally function. |