George Pincus, PhD, PE, Dean
Kenneth Oberhoff, PhD, Assistant Dean
Room 723-North, 713-221-8019
The College of Sciences and Technology provides intellectual discipline and academic experiences essential to a sound education. It offers degrees to prepare students to enter professional schools, technical and scientific careers, graduate study and research. The college offers undergraduate courses and programs in the Biological and Physical Sciences, Mathematical and Computer Sciences, and Engineering Technology. The degree programs offer opportunities for specialization as well as breadth.
The College of Sciences and Technology places the highest emphasis on quality instruction throughout its programs. Bringing the leading edge of science and technology into the classroom is a major goal which the faculty accomplish by remaining current and active in their fields of specialization. The recently formed UHD Scholars Academy, is designed to encourage more students to pursue and complete undergraduate degree programs in computer science, engineering/engineering technology, mathematics, and the natural sciences.
The College of Sciences and Technology also offers its students rare opportunities for undergraduate-level research. Resident research centers are: The Center for Applied Polymer Science Research, created in 1994 to provide undergraduate students at UHD with the opportunity to participate directly in basic and applied polymer research projects that are of academic and industrial significance, and The Center for Computational Sciences and Advanced Distributed Simulation, whose mission is to formally assemble a human resource base in the field, perform research that supports funded activities, develop software and investigate new technologies which respond to funding agency needs. Summer research assistantships are available for qualified students.
The UHD Scholars Academy
The Scholars Academy is a new, exciting and innovative program at UHD designed for students who want to major in Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering/Engineering Technology, and all areas of Natural Science. This competitive program is funded by the National Science Foundation, NASA, Office of Naval Research, UHD, U.S. Army Research Office and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Academy Scholarships vary from $2,500 to $5,000 per academic year with additional summer stipends available for research participation. Students applying for admission to the Academy must be a graduate of a college-preparatory high school curriculum; have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in mathematics and science; have minimum SAT Math, Reading and Writing component scores of 250 each; and be enrolled as a full-time student and major within one of the degree programs in the College of Sciences and Technology.
Programs of Study
The College of Sciences and Technology offers degree programs leading to:
Bachelor of Science with majors in:
Applied Mathematics
Applied Microbiology
Applied Physics
Biological and Physical Sciences
Computer Science
Industrial Chemistry
Quantitative Methods
Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology with majors in:
Control and Instrumentation Electronics*
Electrical/Electronics Design*
Safety and Fire
Process and Piping Design*
Structural Analysis and Design*

Accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
Pending approval by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
General Requirements
Registration for any course offered by the College of Sciences and Technology which has a course prerequisite must be authorized by an advisor. Students may be dropped from any class for which they lack a prerequisite or a corequisite. A course that is a prerequisite or corequisite for another course may not be dropped unless the student drops both courses.
Transfer Credits
The department chair in consultation with department faculty will determine the applicability of transfer credits into specific degree programs. |