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The Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences requires all candidates pursuing degrees in that department to have a grade of C or better in all Computer and Mathematical Sciences course work. Transfer grades of D are not accepted by the department. Students are responsible for meeting the requirements for graduation. Therefore, students should become familiar with the requirements listed in this Catalog and their degree plan and should refer to them each time they plan their semester program of study. The last 25 percent (32 hours) of the semester credit hours of course work toward the degree must be taken at the University of Houston-Downtown. A minimum of 18 semester hours of upper-level credit in CMS courses must be completed at UHD. Students who wish to take courses at another college or university, including any other campus of the University of Houston System, and apply the credits earned toward their degree must request approval through the department which administers their program before taking the course. Courses taken without such approval may not be counted toward the fulfillment of the degree requirements.
General Education and Core Requirements (see page 21) | ||
Additional General Education Requirements: Students majoring in applied mathematics are also required to take ENG 3302, SPCH 1304 and CS 1408 or CS 1410. Eight hours of lab sciences are required and must be in the same natural science and be approved by the department: MATH 2305 satisfies the analytical skills requirement of the General Education program. The writing skills requirement may be met by taking ENG 3302 and one of the following W courses: MATH 4395; MATH 4306; MATH 4312; MATH 4301; MATH 4328. |
Mathematical Sciences Requirements (41 hours)
MATH 2305, MATH 2401, 2402, 2403, 2307, 3301, 3302, MATH 3306 or MATH 3307, MATH 3308, 4294. Nine hours of additional upper-level mathematical sciences courses other than MATH 3309, including a W course or MATH 4395.
Minor (18 approved hours minimum)
Any university-approved minor will satisfy this requirement.
Electives (24 hours to complete a minimum of 128 hours total)
The Computer Science program in the Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences at UH-Downtown offers students a strong foundation in the fundamental concepts of computer science combined with sound practical training relevant to the common applications of computing in business and industry. The Bachelor of Science degree provides preparation for all career paths in computer science and information technology, including database systems, scientific computing and simulation, graphics, artificial intelligence, software engineering, and networking and telecommunications. By emphasizing broad-based studies including mathematics and science requirements, the students choice of an approved university minor, and sustained development of writing and speaking proficiency, the degree furnishes students with the problem solving and communication skills that are in high demand in todays job market and graduate schools. Possessing many areas of expertise, the computer science faculty shares UHDs commitment to quality teaching in a challenging yet personal and supportive learning environment. This commitment helps our majors compete successfully for positions involving the
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General Education and Core Requirements (see page 22)
Additional general education requirements for students majoring in Computer Science are ENG 3302 and SPCH 1304.
Eight hours of lab sciences are required and must be in the same natural science and be approved by the department.
Math 2305 satisfies the analytical skills requirement of the General Education program. The writing skills requirement may be met by taking ENG 3302 and one of the following W-courses: CS 4395; CS 4306; CS 4312; CS 4301; CS 4328.
Mathematics Requirements (20 hours)
MATH 2305, 2401, 2402, 2307, 3301 and 3302.
Computer Science Requirements (44 hours)
CS 1410, 2310, 2401, 3304, 3306, 3402, 4294, 4303, 4315, and 4395 (or approved W course). In addition, 12 approved hours of upper-level Computer Science courses must be taken.
Science Requirements (4 hours)
Four hours of science in addition to the general education requirements above. These hours may be counted toward the minor requirements.
Minor (18 approved hours minimum)
Any approved university minor plus six additional hours of natural science will satisfy this requirement.
Electives (sufficient hours to complete a minimum of 128 hours total)
The curriculum in Quantitative Methods is structured to allow students to be employed in areas requiring the tools of discrete mathematics and statistics. The advent of high-speed digital computers and technological advances being made in this area have encouraged the development of, and have resulted in, important advances that constitute significant mathematical tools for such areas as the life sciences, administrative/managerial sciences and the social/behavioral sciences. The major in Quantitative Methods, through its core of courses, emphasizes those tools of discrete mathematics that have impacted greatly the development and advancement of areas such as those mentioned above. Consequently, this major complements the major in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics and will be selected by students desiring a quantitatively oriented program that emphasizes statistics and the decision sciences.
General Education and Core Requirements (see page 22)
Additional general education requirements for students majoring in quantitative methods are: ENG 3302; PHIL 2303; SPCH 1304.
Eight hours of lab sciences are required and must be in the same natural science and approved by the department.
MATH 2305 satisfies the analytical skills requirement of the General Education program. The writing skills requirement may be met by taking ENG 3302 and one of the following: MATH 4395; MATH 4306; MATH 4312; MATH 4301; MATH 4328.
Mathematical Sciences Requirements (39 hours)
CS 1408 or CS 1410, MATH 1305, 1306, 2305, 2307, 3309, 3310, 4294, 4395 (or approved W course) and four courses chosen from MATH 4300, 4303, 4307, 4309, 4310, 4311. The sequence 2401, 2402, 3302 may be substituted for 1305, 1306, 3309, 3310.
Minor (18 hours minimum)
Any university-approved minor will satisfy this requirement.
Electives (27 hours to complete a minimum of 128 hours)
Required Courses:
MATH 2401, MATH 2402, MATH 2403, MATH 2307. Six hours required from: MATH 3301, MATH 3302, MATH 3306, MATH 3307, MATH 3308, MATH 4301, MATH 4302, MATH 4304, and MATH 4305. The six upper level hours must be completed at UHD. All hours counted toward the minor must be C or better.
Required Courses:
CS 1410; CS 2310; six hours beyond CS 1305 and six hours of upper-level Computer Science. The six upper level hours must be completed at UHD. All hours counted toward the minor must be C or better.
Required Courses:
The sequence MATH 1305, MATH 1306, MATH 3309 or the sequence MATH 2401, MATH 2402, MATH 3302; and nine hours required from: MATH 3310, MATH 4300, MATH 4306, MATH 4307, MATH 4309 and MATH 4310. Six upper level hours must be completed at UHD. All hours counted toward the minor must be "C" or better.
Required Courses:
The sequence MATH 1305, MATH 1306, MATH 3309 or the sequence MATH 2401, MATH 2402, MATH 3302; and 9 hours required from: MATH 4303, MATH 4306, MATH 4307 and MATH 4311. Six upper level hours must be completed at UHD. All hours counted toward the minor must be "C" or better.
For all minors:
To enhance the educational opportunities and experiences of the academically talented students at UH-Downtown, the Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences offers an Honors Program.
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Admission Requirements:
Application to the departments Honors Program Admission and Review Committee
Completion of at least 60 semester credit hours of recognized university-level work
An overall GPA of at least 3.0 with a GPA of 3.25 or better in CMS courses
Completion of at least 16 semester credit hours in CMS courses, eight of which must have been taken at UH-Downtown.
Program Requirements:
Satisfy the requirements for one of the departments bachelor of Science degree programs
Complete at least two honors designated courses in addition to three hours of credit in Senior Honor Thesis. The Senior Thesis will be done under the supervision of an approved member of UH-D faculty and will be presented in both oral and written form to the CMS faculty.
Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.25 in all CMS courses including the required honors courses.
Maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better in all courses outside the CMS Department taken at UH-Downtown.
The department Honors Program Admissions and Review Committee must approve all honors designated courses and all projects proposed by students for their honors theses. Upper-level courses designated as Honors require at least 25 percent more in-depth study than that required of students taking the course without honors credit. The additional course requirements will vary depending on the course instructor.
In addition to the degree program, the CMS Department offers in conjunction with the Urban Education Department, a bachelor of science in Applied Mathematics with mathematics certification.
The Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences is privileged to have a chapter of the prestigious honorary mathematics society Pi Mu Epsilon. The name of our chapter is Texas Nu. The mission of the society is to encourage and promote mathematics. Each year the Pi Mu Epsilon coordinators invite students who have shown exceptional abilities in the mathematical sciences to join the chapter.
In addition, the Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences is also privileged to have student chapters of the prestigious organizations: The Mathematical Association of America and the Association of Computing Machinery. Both chapters are extremely active.