
Keyboarding Applications (3-3-0)
Introductory course designed to develop basic concepts and touch keyboarding and calculator skills on the personal computer using alphabetic and numeric keys. Students also learn standard formatting skills required to prepare business letters, reports, tables and memoranda. |
Information Processing I (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ADM 1301 or departmental approval.
Introductory course emphasizing the development of basic information processing skills including preparation of standard correspondence such as business letters; memos; reports; and merged letters; development of a presentation using software and integration of spreadsheets into basic correspondence. Students also learn basic desktop publishing skills required for development of newsletters, brochures and manuscripts. The semester project is a desktop published newsletter. |
Records Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
Principles of the creation, use, retention, protection/preservation, storage, retrieval of business records regardless of media or format. |
Supervision of Personnel (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: MGT 3301 or department approval.
Motivational techniques, productivity measurements, strategies and issues related to supervising office productivity. Issues addressed include working with vendors, personal aspects of supervision, effective colleague relations including office politics, reorganizing office systems and defining office productivity. |
Equal Opportunity Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: MGT 3301 or department approval.
Focuses on managerial issues affected by the rights of the workforce. Issues include harassment and discrimination based on such factors as race, ethnicity, gender, physically challenged and sexual orientation. Credit will not be given for both ADM 3303 and MGT 3307. |
Information Processing II (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ADM 2303 or department approval.
The course builds on topics introduced in Information Processing I, and introduces students to advanced topics in desktop publishing, presentation software, conversion and use of ASCII files, hypertext document preparation, and Web Page design. Semester projects include the production of a presentation using software and the development of a personal web page. |
Business Ethics (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
A theoretical examination of the bases for moral business decisions, raising of the moral recognition level and blending of theory with practice. Credit will not be given for both BA 3308 and ADM 3308. |
Management of the Virtual Workplace (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Junior Standing or instructor approval.
Management of the virtual workplace encompassing telecommuters, entrepreneurs and virtual office workers. Covers integration of the use of e-mail, computerized meetings, virtual office design, web page development, and other forms of telecommunications, as it becomes available. Simulations conducted via Internet with other on-line participation. |
Directed Study in Administrative Management
Prerequisite: Approval of the department chair and dean.
Selected topics in office management; intensive individual study under the guidance of a faculty member. |
Business Communications (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Senior standing in a business degree program.
Analysis of the communications process as it relates to business functions. Principles of communication are applied to the communication process for verbal and non-verbal communication between individuals and within groups. Emerging forms of communication such as telecommunications, e-mail and software presentation systems, as well as traditional forms of written business communication, are studied. In addition to developing strategies for oral presentations and written research, students enhance listening skills and critique oral and written communication. |
Supervisory Problems (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ADM 3302 or department approval.
A case study course investigating supervisory problems in business, government and industry. |
Administrative Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ADM 3301.
Capstone course of the Administrative Services Management curriculum. Methods of hiring, training and supervising office personnel are included, along with technology, people and procedures within the organization. |
Information Processing Management
Prerequisites: ADM 3301.
Organizational concepts of managing information. Development of business reports related to records management via integration of word processing, spread sheet and data processing software. Investigation of appropriate interfacing methods and the impact of new technology on the organization. |
Seminar in Administrative Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ADM 4303 and senior standing in major.
Special problems in office management. |
Field Experience
For more information and qualifications see Field Experience in the College of Business section of this catalog and/or the department chair for your declared major. |
Selected Topics in ADM
Prerequisite: Approval of department chair.
Intensive study of one or more major topics in administrative management, especially with respect to a new or emerging area. |