
Business Cornerstone (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: None.
An introductory course for all majors. Topics include critical thinking, ethics, diversity, teams, research methods, and international issues. The critical thinking component introduces the concepts and techniques of critical thinking.The ethics component introduces the basic ethical concepts, principles, and techniques of moral reasoning needed in business. The diversity component develops an understanding of the cultural demographic and regulatory aspects of a diverse population of customers and employees. The teams component focuses on the importance and role of teams in business. The research methods component introduces the concepts of primary and secondary sources of information for business research. The international issues component introduces the global aspects of business. |
Legal Environment of Business (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Junior standing and POLS 2303 and POLS 2304.
An introduction to business law, with special emphasis on the legal and ethical environment of business, both domestic and international. Topics include a description of the American legal system, crimes, torts, contracts, agency and legal liability, business organizations, and governmental regulations. |
Commercial Law (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: BA 3301.
A continuation of BA 3301, including laws governing sales, credit transactions, bankruptcy, negotiable instruments, corporations, partnerships and property. The emphasis of this course is commercial law and business. |
Environmental Issues in Business
Prerequisite: BA 3301 or instructor approval.
Contemporary domestic and international environmental issues with emphasis on the legal framework within which these issues are addressed to provide an understanding of the associated business risks relating to these issues. Applicable federal and state regulations, their enforcement and effects on business will be covered. Consequences of noncompliance such as civil and criminal prosecution and tort liability will also be studied. |
International Business Law (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: BA 3301 or departmental approval.
An introduction to diverse legal influences which affect international business transactions. Topics include: international law and organizations, bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, governmental policies, competition, property rights, contracts relating to import/export, and dispute resolution. |
Entrepreneurship (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Junior standing or instructor approval.
Creation and management of new businesses. Characteristics and special problems of entrepreneurs. New venture ideas and strategies. Preparation of new venture plans. Acquisition of venture capital. |
Business Ethics (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
A theoretical examination of the bases for moral business decisions, raising of the moral recognition level and blending of theory with practice. Credit will not be given for both BA 3308 and ADM 3308. |
Real Estate Law (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Junior Standing.
A study of the application of the law in real estate interests, conveyance of title, contracts of sale, title searches, types of ownership, liens and mortgages, insurance, leases and taxation of property owners. |
Diversity and the Law
Prerequisite: BA 3301.
Organizations must deal with diversity and related legal issues in a variety of environments, external as well as internal, which are highly regulated and surround diversity in numerous different contexts involving employers, employees, customers, the courts, and local, state, and federal agencies. Emphasis will be placed upon organizational compliance with applicable legal constraints by creating an atmosphere of understanding of and appreciation for diversity. |
International Business (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Junior standing or instructor approval.
International Business adopts a broad approach to the basic principles of business globalization. Emphasis is placed on the business enterprise as it conducts its commercial activity in environments that are different in their economic, political, legal, social and cultural aspects from the firms corresponding domestic environment. |
Directed Study in Business Administration (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Formal approval of department chair and dean.
Selected topics in business administration; intensive individual study under the guidance of a member of the business faculty. |
Business Strategy (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Must be a declared major in the College of Business and have completed all required general education and business core courses. May be concurrently enrolled in MGT 4305. Successful completion of the Writing Proficiency Examination is required.
The capstone course in business emphasizing planning and decision-making, formulating strategies and implementing plans for action. Comprehensive cases provide the opportunity to study proper interrelationships among production, operations, finance, accounting, marketing and the many other functions involved in managing a business enterprise. |
Field Experience
For more information and qualifications see Field Experience in the College of Business section of this catalog and/or the department chair for your declared major. |
Selected Topics in Business
Prerequisite: Approval of instructor or department chair.
Intensive study of one or more major topics in business. May be repeated for credit with departmental approval when topics vary. |
