
Mass Media (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1301.
An introduction to mass communications, including the functions in society of newspapers, magazines, radio and television. (COMM 1307) |
Public Relations (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ENG 1302 and junior standing.
A study of techniques and methods of public relations in promoting the images of organizations, corporations and institutions, both public and private. |
Introduction to Advertising (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ENG 1302 and junior standing.
History, theory and basic techniques of advertising, with special emphasis on the use of media in advertising campaigns and message development for media campaigns. |
Writing for the Media (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as ENG 3333)
Prerequisites: ENG 1302 and either COMM 1302 or ENG 3302.
Study and practice of writing techniques appropriate to print and broadcast media with emphasis on the relevance of these skills to managing media relations. |
Writing for Presentation (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as ENG 3334).
Prerequisite: ENG 1302 and either COMM 1302 or ENG 3302.
This course covers writing for the media employed for presentations in business, industry and the professions. Possible course focuses include videoscripting, speechwriting and writing for slide and multimedia presentations. |
Directed Study in Communication
Prerequisite: Formal approval by department chair and dean.
Selected topics in the field; intensive individual study under the guidance of a member of the faculty. |
