
Introduction to Computer Based Systems
Prerequisite: MATH 1300.
An overview of computer information systems, including computer hardware, software, procedures and systems, and human resources and their application in todays technological society. (Does not satisfy degree requirements in Engineering Technology.) (COSC 1301) |
Computer Algorithms and Problem Solving (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: CIS 1301.
This course will examine the structure of program logic. Students will learn control logic, file handling, table logic, report structure, search techniques and program organization. (COSC 2390) |
Introduction to Business Application Programming(3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CIS 2301; May not be taken concurrently with CIS 2304.
An introductory course in program design and development. Students apply a structured, multi-phase program development process that features a series of steps involving understanding of a problem, formal problem definition, graphic design methodologies (particularly structure charts) and program specification through pseudocoding. Program design and development will be illustrated during this course by implementing code with a minimal set of structured COBOL. (COSC 1332) |
Intermediate Business Application Programming(3-3-0)
Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in CIS 2301; May not be taken concurrently with CIS 2303.
This is a course in developing programming skills to solve business application problem. In this course, students will write programs in C and C++, Visual Basic, or other appropriate object-oriented programming languages. |
Systems Analysis and Design (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: CIS 2301 and junior standing.
A study of systems thinking related to the system development life cycle. This course deals with traditional analysis, design and implementation through data flow analysis. The methods of analysis and design will be covered as well as data structures, data definition, normalization and system documentation. Credit will not be given for both CIS 2307 and CIS 3301. |
Management of Information Systems (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: CIS 1301 or equivalent; junior standing.
A survey course dealing with the managerial and technical environments within which Management Information Systems (MlS) exist in business organizations. The student is introduced to a wide range of topics pertaining to the business use of information systems technology, including systems development, computer operations and international systems used by modern multinational corporations. |
Computer Hardware, System Software and Architecture (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CIS 2304 or CS 3330; junior standing.
This course presents a functional system level review of computing hardware and the organization of system components into architectural configurations. The principles of system software and its interaction with hardware will also be provided. In addition, a variety of operating systems internals and command languages will be covered. |
Microcomputer Applications in Business (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: CIS 1301 or CS 1305; junior standing.
An overview of computer applications, information needs in business and information systems. Microcomputer hardware and software applications also will be examined. The course reviews many software packages to support a microcomputer-based executive work station. Included are WEB development tools, electronic spreadsheets, file and database management systems and graphics packages. |
Communications and Distributed Processing Systems
Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in CIS 3303.
A study of a range of new and developing technologies. These include digital data and voice communications technologies, microcomputer-based networking and work station components, local area networks, intelligent computer load sharing networks, distributed and decentralized data processing and distributed databases. Communications transmission media, such as links via telephone lines, satellite links, microwave channels and fiber optics, are also discussed. |
Data Files and Databases
Prerequisites: Junior standing and grade of C or better in CIS 2303 or grade of C or better in CIS 2304
This course establishes a base of student knowledge in programming and systems development methods. Previous learning is placed in a context of database methods that have come to dominate the world of computer business applications. In keeping with this aim, the course stresses application development through fourth-generation programming techniques. Content of the course stresses basic knowledge in data structures, normalization of data, data modeling and database methods. Students should learn the construction of database schema. |
Computer Graphics in Business (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: CIS 1301 and junior standing.
Presents the needs and applications for graphics in business. Also covers developments such as laser printer, advanced display techniques and the principles of software packages that generate graphics. Hardware innovations, such as video imaging into computer graphics systems, light pen, mouse and other input techniques are also covered. |
Decision Support Systems (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: CIS 1301 or equivalent; junior standing.
A study of how computers can be used as tools to assist management in problem solving and decision making. The course surveys traditional Decision Support Systems (DSS) technology and exposes the student to software packages used in DSS environments. Problem-solving techniques and decision-making models are presented. |
Programming Languages: Procedural, Nonprocedural and Fourth Generation (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: CIS 2301.
Students are guided in the development of programs and implementation of systems through the use of procedural, nonprocedural and fourth generation languages. The major strengths and weaknesses of each group in business systems applications are surveyed. |
CIS Communication, Reporting and Documentation Techniques (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: CIS 3301 and ENG 3302 or departmental approval.
A combination writing and speech course designed to sharpen the writing and speaking skills of the CIS specialist. The writing section of the course will include the documentation of the systems life cycle activities and the production of user, reference and training manuals. The speaking section of the course will include methods and techniques of presenting materials and information to large and small groups including the use of graphs, charts and narratives using overhead projectors and computer-generated materials. |
Social Impact of Information Technology for Business (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: CIS 1301 or equivalent computer literacy course; and Junior Standing.
This course focuses on social issues of the new Information Age. Information technology proliferation is changing society in many important new ways. These changes impact how business will operate in the next millenium. Students will gain an understanding of these profound implications. |
Graphical User Interface Development Using Visual Basic (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: CIS 2301.
This course is designed as an introduction to programming Business applications using Microsofts Visual Basic. Topics covered include analysis, design, coding, testing, debugging, and implementing structured programs in MS Visual Basic design Environment while developing understanding of event driven programming. |
JAVA: A Graphical User Interface (GUI) (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in CIS 2301.
This is an introductory course in Graphical User Interface (GUI) concepts, design and programming using the JAVA programming language. |
Information Resource Planning and Management(3-3-0)
Prerequisites: CIS 3306 and MGT 3301.
An overview of corporate strategic, tactical and operational planning and control techniques and methodologies. Elements of information systems planning and control include facilities, equipment, technical specialization, training and project definition and priority setting. |
Strategic Information Systems
Prerequisites: CIS 1301 or CS 1305 and junior standing.
This course emphasizes the use of computing and information technology for the strategic advantage of and issues involved in bringing advanced, computer-based technology and methods into the organization. Additionally, it covers the changing nature of the information technology profession as systems professionals are impacted by the use of strategic information systems. |
Management of Telecommunications Systems (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: CIS 3305.
This course is a continuation of CIS 3305. It deals with managing telecommunications technologies and focuses on techniques for planning, organizing, directing and controlling voice and data communications environments. |
Computer Control and Audit (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: CIS 1301 and ACC 2302, and junior standing.
A study of the skills, tools and procedures needed to effectively evaluate computer-based information systems controls. Concepts and techniques used in Information Systems Audits are examined from general, industry-specific and technological perspectives. Exposure to business impact analysis, risk analysis and disaster recovery analysis is provided with emphasis on varying requirements of the business community. Credit will be not be given for both CIS 4309 and ACC 4308. |
Advanced Computer Control and Audit
Prerequisites: CIS 4309 and ACC 4308.
Continuation of CIS 4309/ACC 4308. A study of advanced techniques and procedures for auditing modern information systems technology in business situations. Students will be exposed to the processes of evidence collection and assessment of computing and networking technologies as well as the effective management of information resources in modern business. Course includes sections on managing the EDP audit function in business and governmental organizations. |
Computer Technology and the Future Seminar (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: CIS, CS or Applied Math major and senior standing.
This course will study, discuss and debate current issues and trends in the field of computer technology as it relates to business, government and society. The broader issues of the role of technology in the future of mankind are also expected. |
Systems Development Project (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in CIS 3301, 3305, 3306, senior standing and successful completion of Junior Writing Proficiency Exam.
This is a capstone course. Emphasis is placed on the development of a computer application through life cycle methodology. In addition, students acquire additional knowledge in the specific concepts and skills of project management. Use of project management methods, project scheduling and control techniques, formal presentations and group dynamics in the analysis of information systems. |
Electronic Commerce
Prerequisite: Junior standing and CIS 1301.
An overview of the technology and management issues relevant to business, intro-business, and business to business transactions. The economic model of electronic buying and selling. |
Electronic Commerce and Strategy
Prerequisites: CIS 4313 and CIS 3306.
Utilizes the previously learned electronic model of buying and selling to explore the use of electronic media as innovative approaches for effective business strategy. In this advanced course, the highly dynamic and rapidly expanding area of electronic commerce shall be viewed from an organizational perspective. An essential element of this course will be the analysis of cases to develop web strategies and plans for the business organization. |
Field Experience (3-0-0)
For more information and qualifications see Field Experience in the College of Business section of this catalog and/or the department chair for your declared major. |
Special Topics in Computer Information Systems (3-3-0)
An investigation of the rapidly changing field of CIS, including such topics as: computers and society, micro- and minicomputers and computer simulation models. |
