
Technology for Education Lab (1-0-2)
Prerequisites: Credit or enrollment in CS 1305, or CS 1410, or CS 1408.
An introduction to authorware systems and presentation software for the development of interactive teaching materials and classroom presentations. Examples of computer-based instruction and tutoring systems will be discussed. The use of CS-ROM multimedia teaching materials will be introduced. |
Introduction to Computer Technology (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: MATH 1300 or placement by exam.
Topics include the history and nature of computers, ethical and other societal issues, an overview of computer hardware and software (with an emphasis on computer applications and the use of standard software packages). The use of the Internet for communication and research is introduced. (COSC 1306 or COSC 1316) |
Introduction to Computer Science and FORTRAN (4-4-0)
Prerequisites: Credit or enrollment in MATH 1306 or MATH 1404; and placement in ENG 1301 or above.
History, nature and uses of the computer, algorithms and flowcharts, number systems and structuring, with an overview of computer hardware and software, computing systems and applications. Computer projects are run in the FORTRAN programming language. Closed labs on key topics will be conducted. (COSC 1417) |
CS IIntroduction to Computer Science with C++ (4-3-2).
Prerequisites: Credit or enrollment in MATH 1404 or MATH 1306 and placement in ENG 1301 or above
Laboratory fee required: $12.
History, nature and uses of the computer; algorithms; number systems; data representation; and organization, with an overview of computer hardware and software, computing systems and major applications. Ethical and other societal issues are discussed. An introduction to high-level languages with an emphasis on writing programs in C++. Control statements, subprograms, data types, arrays, and an introduction to structures and streams. Closed (supervised) laboratories are conducted on: an introduction to DOS, Windows, and a C++ programming environment; appropriate programming exercises emphasizing top-down design methodology and simple and structured data types; key topics of the discipline and areas of application; and the use of Internet for communication and research. Designed as first course for majors in Computer and Mathematical Sciences (COSC 1420) |
CS II-Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: C or better in: CS 1410 and credit or enrollment in MATH 2305 or MATH 2401.
Records, arrays, sorting/searching, recursion, stacks, queues, pointers and dynamic structures and applications. (COSC 2330) |
Introduction to Computer Organization and Assembly Language (4-4-0)
Prerequisites: C or better in: CS 1408 or CS 1410 and credit or enrollment in MATH 2305 or 2401.
Machine configuration, introduction to language translation and programming languages, the principles of an operating system, input/output devices and file organization. Assembly language provides an introduction to symbolic computer programming at a level corresponding more closely to machine language than higher level languages. Programming assignments will be written, entered, debugged and run to completion. Both VAX and PC based assembly will be considered. (COSC 2425) |
Object-Oriented Programming and Concepts (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: C or better in: CS 2310.
Introduction to object-oriented concepts and design, programming and languages. |
Data and Information Structures (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: C or better in: CS 2310 and CS 2401.
Types of data structures analyzed include linear lists, strings, arrays, orthogonal lists, trees and multi-linked structures. Searching and sorting techniques, storage systems and structures, data structures in programming languages and generalized data management. |
Theory of Computation (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: C or better in: CS 2310, MATH 2305 and MATH 2307.
Development of the mathematical concepts and structures necessary for advanced topics in computer science. This material is selected from relations, partial orders, algebraic structures, morphisms, logic networks, error-correcting codes, sequential machines and an introduction to computability. Applications to computer science and engineering are emphasized. |
Numerical Methods (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: C or better in: CS 1408 or CS 1410, MATH 2307 and credit or enrollment in MATH 3301.
Development of algorithms used in solving a variety of problems from science and engineering, including numerical integration, systems of linear equations, solutions of nonlinear equations, curve fitting, numerical solutions or differential equations and determination of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Computer techniques are used in analyzing these problems. Credit will not be given for both CS 3308 and MATH 3308. |
Introduction to Software Engineering (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: C or better in CS 2310.
Introduction to software engineering topics and the JAVA programming language. |
Introduction to Geometric Modeling (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in MATH 2403, MATH 2307, and CS 2310.
Mathematical methods for the definition and manipulation of geometric shapes. Topics include Bezier curves and surfaces, B-spline curves and surfaces, Coons surfaces, Gordon surfaces, Gregory surfaces, tensor product forms, and subdivision methods. Applications of geometric modeling to computer animation, aircraft design, automobile design, and other areas will be discussed. Credit cannot be given for both CS 3330 and MATH 3330. |
Directed Study in Computer Science
Prerequisite: Approval of department chair.
Selected topics in computer science; intensive individual study under the guidance of a member of the Computer and Mathematical Sciences faculty. |
Digital Logic (4-3-2)
Prerequisites: C or better in: CS 2310, CS 2401 and MATH 2305.
Laboratory fee: $12.00.
Topics include combinational/sequential logic, multilevel combinational logic, registers, counters, programmable logic arrays, memory unit, arithmetic logic design and computer organization. Laboratory experiments involving digital logic circuit design of combinational and sequential circuits emphasizing the use of small and medium scale-integrated circuits. |
Senior Seminar
Prerequisite: Advanced standing, ENG 3302 and SPCH 1304, departmental approval and passing score on the writing proficiency exam.
An intense, structured seminar. Students are exposed to the world community as it relates to their major (involving a written and oral report on cultural issues as well as discussion of these topics); ethics is discussed as it relates to the subject. In addition, students prepare a written proposal for a senior project. Attendance at departmental colloquia is also required. |
Advanced Numerical Methods for Science and Engineering
Prerequisites: MATH 3308, MATH 2403 and MATH 3301.
Advanced topics in numerical mathematics, including the numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations and advanced methods in numerical linear algebra. Programming projects are stressed that use the computer to solve physical and engineering problems. Credit will not be given for both CS 4301 and MATH 4301. (May be used as W-course with additional prerequisite of CS 4294, ENG 3302 and SCH 1304.) |
Computer Systems Architecture (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: "C" or better in CS 3402.
Main topics in general-purpose computer architectures, including CPU organization, instruction set design with case studies from RISC and CISC architectures, control unit design, hardwired and microprogrammed pipelined and parallel execution; memory hierarchy and technology, virtual, cache and interleaved memory; input/output systems. Parallel architectures, including superscalar processors, vector processors and multiprocessor architectures. |
Programming Language Concepts (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: "C" or better in CS 3304.
Analysis of programming languages with an emphasis on programming constructs that facilitate top-down and modular program design and implementation. |
Compiler Design and Construction (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: CS 3306 and CS 4303.
Analysis of compilers including language structures, translation, storage allocation and execution. The following specific topics are considered: compilation of simple expressions and statements; compiler organization with symbol tables, syntax scan, object code generation, error diagnostics, object code optimization and overall design; interpreters. |
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulation (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: MATH 3302 or MATH 3310; and CS 1408 or CS 1410.
Quantitative modeling of industrial systems, computer simulation languages; discussion of problems encountered in constructing simulation programs. Credit will not be given for both CS 4306 and MATH 4306 and 4312 and 4328 (may be used as W-course with additional prerequisites of CS 4294, ENG 3302 and SPCH 1304). |
Principles of Computer Graphics (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Upper-level standing, MATH 2307 and a higher level language.
Analytical treatment of computer graphics; input, transformation and display of graphical data; graphical algorithms and languages; emphasis on current developments. |
History of Applied Mathematics (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: MATH 2401 or MATH 1306 and department approval (may be used as W-course with additional prerequisites of CS 4294, ENG 3302 and SPCH 1304).
The course traces the development of mathematics and its applications from the Greek mathematicians through the modern age including the development of computer techniques in applied mathematics. Credit will not be given for both CS 4312 and MATH 4312. |
Operating Systems (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: "C" or better in CS 3304 and CS 3306.
Introduction to operating system design. Views of an operating system as a computer resource manager and as a coordinator of competing processes. Process synchronization and deadlock avoidance are also addressed. UNIX serves as a standard example and is compared with other operating systems. |
Theory of Database and File Structures (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: CS 3304 and CS 3306.
An introduction to the theory of database and file structures with an emphasis on general principles and algorithmic issues as well as a conceptual overview of the design, construction and maintenance of database and file processing systems. After the various models are considered, specific attention is given to advanced topics such as data integrity, optimization and distributed environments. |
Software Engineering (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: CS 3320.
Software engineering and design considerations, including software design, definition, representation techniques and methodologies. |
Theory of Algorithms (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: CS 3304 and CS 3306.
Detailed study of the main algorithmic techniques of computer science (e.g., sorting and searching) and analysis of the operating characteristics and complexity of selected algorithms. |
Computer Network Architecture (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: CS 3402.
Architectures and operating systems of distributed networks including data communication, local networks, public networks and design alternatives. |
Parallel Computing (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: C or better in CS 2310 (may be used as W-course with additional prerequisites of CS 4294, ENG 3302 and SPCH 1304).
Consideration of the issues involved in various forms of parallel computing including pipelines, vector processors, multiprocessor systems, related algorithms and parallel distributed processing (neural networks). |
Concepts of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Systems (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: CS 3304 and CS 3306.
Primary topics in artificial intelligence including problem representation, knowledge representation, cognition models, natural language, search methods, automated deduction and applications. |
Theory and Applications of Neural Nets (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in MATH 2307, MATH 2403, and CS 2310.
Introduction to basic concepts of neural networks used in supervised and unsupervised learning. Several learning rules and algorithms will be presented along with applications. Credit cannot be given for both CS 4333 and MATH 4333. |
Seminar in Knowledge Engineering (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: SPCH 1304, ENG 3302, senior standing in computer science or knowledge engineering, and departmental approval.
Consideration of various emerging issues in knowledge engineering, including case studies, new hardware and software technology, ethics and current literature content. (CS 4335 may be repeated for credit with the approval of the department chairman.) |
Field Experience
Prerequisites: At least 60 semester hours and approval of department chair; "B" or better in CS 3304, 3306 and 3402.
Selected students are placed in jobs in the local community which are related to and reinforce their academic training. Positions are full time, salaried and last the duration of a semester. Recommended for students not already employed in their area of study. |
Selected Topics in Computer Science (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Department approval.
Intensive study of one or more major topics in computer science, especially with respect to a new or emerging area. Course may be repeated for credit with department approval. |
Senior Project in Computer Science
Prerequisites: B or better in CS 4294; and SPCH 1304 and ENG 3302; senior standing and department approval. Required GPA of 3.0 or better.
Intensive study under the guidance of a member of the Computer and Mathematical Sciences faculty which culminates in an individually researched and formally written report and oral presentation dealing with the applications of computer science in the students area of specialization and related to one type of business or industry in the Houston area. |
Senior Thesis
Prerequisite: formal approval of department chair and the students advisor for CS 4395.
Intensive study under the guidance of a member of the Computer and Mathematical Sciences faculty which continues and expands the research carried out in CS 4395. A formal written report and oral presentation will be required. |
Directed Study in Computer Science
Prerequisite: Formal approval of department chair and dean.
Selected topics in computer science. Intensive individual study under the guidance of a member of the Computer and Mathematical Sciences faculty. |
