
Introduction to the Theater (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: RDG 1300 or acceptable reading placement score.
Topics examine the five essential elements of theater: the audience, the actor, the script, the production and the physical theater. Attendance at plays required; no acting included. (DRAM 1310) |
Acting I (3-3-0)
Basic concepts of acting (including improvisations, elements of characterization, role playing and scene production) through class presentations, attendance at plays, personal contact with professional actors and viewing films. (DRAM 1351) |
Acting II (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: DRA 1303 or permission of instructor.
Concentration on advanced concepts of acting, auditioning, improvisations, characterizations, pantomime, voice development and scene presentation. Performance in university productions required. (DRAM 1352) |
Readers Theatre
(Cross-listed as SPCH 3303).
Theater: Greek to Elizabethan (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as HUM 3315).
Prerequisite: ENG 1301.
World theater from its beginnings to the 18th century, including theater architecture, staging and costuming practices, plays and playwrights and social and political forces affecting the theater. |
Theater: Elizabethan to Modern (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as HUM 3316)
Prerequisite: ENG 1301.
World theater from the 18th century to the present. |
Stage Directing (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: DRA 1301 and DRA 1303 or DRA 1304.
An examination of the principles and practices of directing live theater. Concentration on such directorial responsibilities as play selection, casting, script analysis, rehearsal scheduling, character development and blocking techniques. Course culminates in the public presentation of a short dramatic performance. Course may be repeated once for credit. |
Selected Topics in Theatre
An in-depth examination of selected aspects of theatre including, but not limited to: playwriting; directing; dramatic criticism; the contributions of a particular playwright, or group of playwrights; and historical trends and group contributions to the evolving theatre scene. |