
Piping Drafting I (4-3-3)
Prerequisites: ENGR 1401 or equivalent.
Laboratory fee required: $12.
Basic piping fundamentals used in design and layout of piping systems for petroleum and petrochemical facilities. Items stressed are symbols, plot plans, flow diagrams, abbreviations and specifications. Safety aspects of piping systems. |
Piping Drafting II (4-3-3)
Prerequisite: ET 2401.
Laboratory fee required: $12.
Continuation of ET 2301. Application of basic piping fundamentals in arrangement drawings and isometric configurations. Piping systems, underground piping, meter runs control valve manifolds, level instruments and bridles and steam traps are also studied. Safety aspects of piping systems. |
Applied Thermodynamics (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: MATH 2401 and CHEM 1307.
Fundamentals of thermodynamics, including applications of the first and second laws, enthalpy, entropy, application of reversible and irreversible processes to a variety of systems and problems, use of thermodynamic tables and ideal gas law. Energy balances and their applications. Estimation of properties. Thermodynamics of fire. |
Materials Science (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: CHEM 1307.
The physical, mechanical, thermal, magnetic, electrical and chemical properties and their relation to atomic, molecular and crystalline structure of materials. Introduction to processing of materials and their testing. Applications of material science in engineering. New frontiers in materials technology. Criteria for selection and use of materials. Safety criteria for section of materials. |
Modern Concrete Technology (3-2-2)
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
Laboratory fee required: $12.
Properties and requirements of cement and aggregates, water-cement ratio and proportioning of mixtures for concrete. Behavior and properties of fresh and hardened concrete. Emphasis on behavior under pressure and fire. Handling of fresh concrete, formwork, quality control, inspection and laboratory testing of concrete. Application of expert systems in concrete technology. High-strength and lightweight concretes. Inspection of concrete structures. |
Soil Mechanics (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
Laboratory fee required: $12.
Geological origin, identification, description and classification of soils. Physical, consolidation and hydraulic properties of soil. Site and subsurface explorations and testing of soil. Essentials of good foundations. Stability of slopes and earth pressure. Computer application in soil mechanics. Environmental contamination of soils. |
Finite Element Analysis of Structures (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENGR 3311.
Finite element analysis of structures. Numerical and matrix techniques and their relationships to classical energy and differential equation methods. Expert systems applied to structural design. Experimental determination of stiffness and flexibility matrices. Nondestructive evaluation of structures. Vibrations of structures. Finite element analysis of structures exposed to high temperatures. |
3D Computer Modeling, Rendering and Animation(3-2-2)
Prerequisites: ENGR 3305 and junior standing.
Application of advanced computer aided design principles to construction of 3D computer models for structural, piping, and electronics systems. Computer animation applied to control of systems in the same fields. Applications of plan layout for analysis of industrial safety. |
Plumbing System Design I (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ENGR 2304 or instructor approval.
This is an introductory course in plumbing design teaching the basics for producing an engineered plumbing design for commercial, institutional and medical buildings, including fire protection considerations. Emphasis is placed on preparation of design and arrangement drawing using CADD systems. |
Directed Study in Engineering Technology
Prerequisites: Approval of department chair and dean.
Selected topics in engineering technology. |
Process Piping Design I (4-3-3)
Prerequisites: ET 2302 and ENGR 2304.
Laboratory fee required: $12.
Concentration on piping design problems associated with heat exchangers, pumps, horizontal and vertical vessels, pipeways and plant layouts. Emphasis is placed on design concepts used in the preparation of piping arrangement, elevation and isometric drawings. Piping analysis to meet safety specifications. |
Processing Piping Design II (4-3-3)
Prerequisite: ET 3401.
Laboratory fee required: $12.
Concentration on piping design problems related to plant design. Heaters, boilers and compressors are covered. Problems associated with underground piping are considered. Continued emphasis is placed on preparation of piping arrangement, elevation and isometric drawings. Includes an introduction to piping flexibility and standard piping details. Introduction to use of scale plot and engineering models in the process piping design industry. Piping analysis to meet safety specifications. |
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (1-0-2)
Prerequisites: Credit or enrollment in ET 4307 or department approval.
Laboratory fee required: $12.
Experimental verification of empirical and theoretical results used in fluid mechanics and introduction to the experimental method as an approach to solving problems in fluid mechanics. |
Piping Models (3-2-2)
Prerequisites: ET 3402, ENGR 2304.
Laboratory fee required: $12.
Introduction to engineering scale models from initial layout of plot-plan model through completion of engineering design model. Use of 3D solid modeling software to design plants including modeling of equipment, steel structures and piping. Plant safety considerations. |
Instrumentation (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: EET 1311 and EET 1111.
Automated controls and instrumentation as applied in refineries, chemical plants and petrochemical operations. Major process variables, types of instruments, controller modes and final control element selection and sizing. Development of control loops for major process variables. Instrumentation for plant protection and safety. |
Pipe Support Design (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ENGR 2309 and ET 2401.
Design and selection of pipe supports for piping systems including those for service at elevated temperature and cryogenic service. |
Pressure Vessel Design (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENGR 2309.
Analysis and design of pressure vessels, selection of materials and introduction to standards and codes for pressure vessels. Safety consideration in vessel design. |
Fluid Mechanics II (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ENGR 3308 or department approval.
Dimensional analysis, surface resistance, boundary layer theory, drag, lift, turbomachinery, including pumps, compressors, turbines, fluid measurements, channel flow. |
Heat-Power Applications (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ET 3307 or department approval.
Heat-power cycles, refrigeration systems, gas-vapor mixtures, reactive systems, gas compressors, gas turbines, steam processes and cycles. Humidification/ dehumidification processes and use of psychometric charts. Analysis of environmental conditions in fire. |
Applied Heat Transfer (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Credit or enrollment in ET 4307 or department approval.
Steady and unsteady state conduction, free and forced convection, radiation, heat exchangers and heat transfer with change in phase. Applications to fire analysis. |
Piping Stress Analysis (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ENGR 2409 and ET 2401.
Introduction to piping stress analysis. Piping and pressure vessel codes, failure theories, stress intensification and flexibility factors, methods of stress analysis, supports and restraints for piping. Intensive application of CAESAR II computer software. Safety aspects of stress analysis. |
Compressible Fluid Flow (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Credit or enrollment in ET 4307.
Compressible flow of gases in ducts, isentropic flow, effects of friction and heat transfer, normal shock waves, nozzles, diffusers, ejectors and wind tunnels. Fire models. |
Material and Energy Balances (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ET 4311 or department approval.
Processes and process variables, material balances for single and multi-phase systems. Energy and energy balances for nonreactive, reactive and transient processes. |
Pumps and Pumping Stations (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENGR 3308.
Different types of pumps and pump drive units, pump fundamentals, pump construction, performance characteristics of various types of pumps, pump selection, system analysis for a pumping plant, design of pumping station. Pumps for fire protection. |
Prestressed Concrete (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENGR 3312.
Principles and practice of prestressed concrete systems and techniques for applying prestress. Computer analysis and design of determinate and indeterminate prestressed concrete structures. Limit analysis and ultimate strength behavior. Critical aspects of prestressing under fire. Rehabilitation of structures. Lightweight prestressed concrete. |
Structural Steel Design (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENGR 2309.
Design of structural steel members based on LRFD specifications. Design of members under tension, compression and bending. Laterally unsupported beams. Combined bending and axial loading connections. Nondestructive evaluation of steel structures. Fire protection of steel structures. |
Foundation Design (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ET 3321 and ENGR 2309.
Introduction to foundation design, factors in design of foundations, and settlements of foundations, lateral earth pressure on walls and retaining walls, bulkheads and pile foundation. Computer applications in foundation engineering. Nondestructive testing of foundations. Safety considerations in foundation construction and performance. |
Technology Seminar (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ENG 3302, senior standing, successful completion of the Writing Proficiency Examination or approval of department chair.
A self enrichment and professional development course essential for a successful career after graduation. Students are required to make oral presentations and submit written reports and essays on topics emphasizing ethical and international dimensions of the engineering profession. Class participation and case discussions are emphasized. Industrial safety considerations. |
Senior Concrete Design Project (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENGR 3312.
Conception, analysis and design of complex concrete structures. Application of prestressed concrete, finite element analysis, AutoCAD and foundation engineering to structural design. Includes construction drawings, specifications, cost estimates and field trips. |
Senior Steel Design Project (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ET 4321.
Conception, analysis and design of complex street and composite structures. Application of finite element analysis, AutoCAD and foundation engineering to structural design. Includes construction drawings, specifications, structural composites, cost estimates and field trips. |
HVAC Systems Design I (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ET 4311 or instructor approval.
This is a course covering the basics in the design of heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for commercial, institutional and medical buildings. Emphasis is placed on fundamental concepts and calculations involved in the design of HVAC systems. The students will complete a design project as part of their course work. Safety of HVAC systems. |
