
TASP Tutorial (1-1-0)
Tutorial instruction designed to prepare students to pass the Writing component of the state-mandated Texas Academic Skills Program examination. |
Writing Tutorial (1-0-3)
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG 1301 or permission of department.
Individualized instruction in English composition. Suggested for students who have problems in some aspect of writing and who seek to improve their mastery in particular areas. Instructor designs a course of study to assist student in learning new skills or in overcoming specific errors. Fulfills no English composition degree requirement. Course is offered on a pass/fail basis. May be repeated once without permission of department. |
Fundamentals of English (3-3-0)
Placement examination is required.
Introduction to the writing process, including such elements as awareness of audience, prewriting, organization strategies, revision and editing to conform to the major conventions of standard written English. |
Composition I (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1300 or placement by examination.
Review of the writing process, including such elements as audience analysis, invention, drafting and revising. Practice in expository techniques of writing and attention to readings. (ENGL 1301) |
Composition II (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1301 or placement by examination.
A continuation of ENG 1301; emphasis on writing based on research. (ENGL 1302) |
Literature of the Western World: Ancient to Renaissance (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1302.
A study of literature of the Western world from its beginnings through the Renaissance. (ENGL 2332) |
Literature of the Western World: Neo-Classical to Modern (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1302.
A study of literature of the Western world from the 17th century to the present. (ENGL 2333) |
Survey of American Literature: Beginnings to 1865(3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1302.
A study of American literature from the Colonial period through the Civil War. (ENGL 2327) |
Survey of American Literature: 1865 to Present(3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1302.
A study of American literature from 1865 to the present. (ENGL 2328) |
Survey of British Literature: Beginnings to 1800(3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1302.
A study of British literature from its beginnings through the 18th century. (ENGL 2322) |
Survey of British Literature: 1800 to Present (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1302.
A study of British literature from the 19th century to the present. (ENGL 2323) |
Business and Technical Report Writing (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
Study and practice of formal and informal presentation of technical information, with emphasis on report writing. |
Advanced Business and Technical Report Writing(3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 3302 or permission of department.
Practice in writing in varied professional contexts. Special attention is given to audience and purpose, tone, logic and accuracy. |
Essay Writing (3-3-0)
(Formerly ENG 4305).
Prerequisites: ENG 1302 and junior standing.
Study, analysis and practice of advanced rhetorical principles in non-fiction, with a view to increasing clarity, effectiveness and precision in a students personal style. |
Introduction to Literary Theory (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
A study of contemporary methodologies in literary criticism and practice in applying them. |
Shakespeare (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
Reading and analysis of representative comedies, tragedies, histories and poems by Shakespeare, with special consideration of his life and the historical context. |
Legal Writing (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1302.
A study of the principles of analytical writing, with special emphasis on the strategies of legal persuasion and the techniques and appropriate style of legal writing. Students will learn to brief (summarize) published cases as well as to write legal memoranda. |
Creative Writing (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ENG 1302 and junior standing.
Techniques of writing fiction and poetry; emphasis on the students own work. May be repeated once for credit. |
Studies in Nonfiction Writing (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
An examination of a variety of nonfiction texts, including news presentations, books, and movies. |
Studies in Poetry (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
A study of poetry as a genre of literature, with emphasis on forms and styles; reading and analysis of poems from a variety of periods. |
Studies in Fiction (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
A study of short stories and/or novels. Consideration of the historical development of fiction as a genre and detailed analysis of the elements of fiction. |
Studies in Dramatic Literature (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
A study of representative plays from ancient to modern times, with emphasis on the origins and historical development of drama and its characteristics as a genre. |
Studies in Autobiography (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as HUM 3314).
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
A study of autobiographical writing, the course may analyze its forms or techniques, trace a topic or style of autobiographical literature or investigate critical problems posed by autobiography. |
Studies in Science Fiction (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
A study of the conventions, major themes and/or history of futuristic or fantasy fiction. |
History of Rhetoric (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1302 and junior standing.
An historical survey of rhetoric with emphasis upon its development as a discipline from Plato and Aristotle to the present day. |
Studies in the Theory of Rhetoric (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1302 and junior standing.
An investigation of major contemporary theories of rhetoric and composition with special attention to the implications of those theories on the practices of professional writers. |
Advanced English Grammar for Writers (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1302 and junior standing.
An intensive survey of the principles and problems of English grammar as they apply to the concerns of professional writers and editors. |
Introduction to the Study of Language (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1302 and junior standing.
An introduction to linguistic sciences. The course gives an overview of language, its use and development. Basic concepts covered are approaches to grammatical description, history, acquisition and social and regional variation. |
History of the English Language (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ENG 1302 and junior standing.
A study of the development of English speech, writing, spelling, syntax and vocabulary. |
African-American Literature (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
A survey of prose, plays and poems by African- American writers. |
Mexican-American Literature (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
A study of Mexican-American literature and its cultural traditions from pre-Columbian Mexico to the present. |
Technology and Literature (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as HUM 3323).
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
The course may study influences of technology or science on literature, analyze how literature represents technology, or interpret literature as a reflection of social ambivalence toward technology. |
American Ethnic Heritage (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as HUM 3304).
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
An interdisciplinary study of ethnic contributions to the art, music, drama and literature of the United States. |
Medical Writing (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 3302.
The study and practice of interpreting and incorporating findings and statistical results into clear, comprehensive and well-organized prose. |
Proposal Writing (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 3302.
Practice in writing and editing a series of proposals of varying scope and complexity. |
Documentation and Manuals (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 3302.
Application of general rhetorical principles and current theory in document design to the development of procedures manuals and other documentation. |
Environmental Writing (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 3302.
Practice in presenting information about environmental issues as addressed by government, industry, private organizations and the mass media. |
Desktop Publishing (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 3302 or concurrent enrollment in ENG 3302 or permission of department.
An introduction to desktop publishing, covering specific applications of typography, graphics, layout and presentation, and using desktop publishing software. |
Advanced Desktop Publishing (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 3330 or permission of department.
A continuation of desktop publishing techniques using additional software for more complex projects. |
Newsletters (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 3302.
Guided practice in designing, writing, editing and producing a newsletter; the course operates as a practicum, with students working cooperatively to produce an actual newsletter. |
Writing for the Media (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as COMM 3311).
Prerequisites: ENG 1302 and either COMM 1302 or ENG 3302.
Study and practice of writing techniques appropriate to print and broadcast media with emphasis on the relevance of these skills to managing media relations. |
Writing for Presentation (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as COMM 3312).
Prerequisites: ENG 1302 and either COMM 1302 or ENG 3302.
This course covers writing for the media employed for presentations in business, industry and the professions. Possible course focuses include videoscripting, speechwriting and writing for slide and multimedia presentations. |
Cultural Criticism (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as HUM 3310.).
Prerequisites: 3 hours of literature and 3 hours of philosophy.
A survey of different ways of analyzing human culture. Students examine major schools of criticism and interpretation of society and its creative activity. This course is the gateway course for the BA in Humanities. May be repeated once for credit ass topic varies. |
Gender Studies in Literature (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
An interdisciplinary study of the social construction of gender as reflected in literature from various historical periods and from various cultures. |
Childrens Literature (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
This course introduces students to childrens literature, its history, development, and uses in relation to the needs of the child and the culture. |
Introduction to Folklore (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: 3 hours of literature.
An introduction to the development of cultural studies and to the methodology of field research. |
Social Class and Literature (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: 3 hours of literature.
A study of the role of social class in literary representation, production, and consumption. |
Film as Narrative (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: 3 hours of literature.
A study of film as narrative, either fiction or non-fiction, and organized by topic, historical development, genre, or critical approach. |
Young Adult Literature (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
A study of texts written for readers from middle school through high school. The course emphasizes the history of texts written for young adults and examines and employs various theoretical approaches to textual analysis, including cultural critique of both classic and contemporary examples. |
Directed Study in English
Prerequisite: Formal approval by department chair and dean.
Intensive individual study of a selected topic under the guidance of a member of the faculty. |
Proseminar in Professional Writing (1-1-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 3302.
A capstone course for Professional Writing majors; an overview of possibilities for further education and employment. Review of graduate programs and the application process; preparation for the job search, with special emphasis on assembling a portfolio. |
Senior Capstone Project (1-1-0)
Co-requisite: Enrollment in an upper-level English course and an approved project
A capstone course for English majors. Under the supervision of the instructor of the co-requisite course, students complete a project exemplifying creative and critical skills acquired as an English major. |
Science Writing (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1302 and junior standing.
The study and practice of documenting, reporting and presenting science in articles, audiovisual scripts, specifications, reports and proposals. |
Advanced Creative Writing (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 3309 or permission of instructor.
Extended writing projects in poetry, fiction, and/or creative non-fiction. Emphasis on the practice of editing and publication. May be repeated once for credit, with permission. |
Contemporary Literature (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
A study of the themes and techniques of prominent 20th-century writers. Readings seek to identify and explore emerging traditions in literature since 1950. |
Literature of the South and Southwest (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature.
A study of Southern or Southwestern literature, the course may focus on a literary genre, region, topic, or critical approach. |
Psychology through Literature (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as HUM 4313).
Prerequisites: 3 hours of literature.
The course adopts psychological theory as a methodology for studying literature and its cultural contexts. |
Major Authors (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Six hours of literature.
An in-depth study of one or two significant authors. |
Advanced African-American Studies (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: 6 hours of literature or ENG 3321.
A specialized exploration of the aesthetic, critical, and theoretical bases of African-American literaturepoetry, fiction, drama, and creative non-fiction. |
Editing, Rewriting and Copyreading (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 3302 or permission of department.
Fundamentals of editing for printed media. Studies in clarity, concision, accuracy, grammar and stylebook conventions. Projects include rewriting, copy editing and copy reading documents of varying complexity. |
Feature Writing for Business and Industry (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 3302 or permission of department.
Procedures in recognizing ideas and gathering material for feature stories for business and industry; analysis of reader appeal; study of feature story structure; development of style by practice in writing feature stories. |
Advanced Mexican-American Studies (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: 6 hours of literature or ENG 3322.
Specialized, focused study of the culture of literature by Mexican-Americans. |
Senior Seminar in the Humanities (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as HUM 4350).
Prerequisites: Senior standing and 18 upper-division hours in the humanities, including HUM 3310/ENG 3340.
A review of key issues in interpretation and understanding from philosophy, literature, history and the arts. It aims to provide students with means for synthesizing their studies in the liberal arts. This course is the capstone for the BA in Humanities. |
Advanced Gender Studies (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: 6 hours of literature or ENG 3350.
Specialized investigation of the role of gender in literary representation and in culture. |
Publications Workshop (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 3302.
This course provides students an opportunity to gain hands-on print production experience. Working in the offices of student publications or other appropriate environments, students will write, edit and produce materials for publication, using word processing, graphics and electronic pagination software to prepare camera-ready materials. |
Field Experience
Prerequisites: ENG 3304 and ENG 3331 and permission of department.
Placement of selected students in jobs involving professional writing within the public or private sector. Jobs may be paid or unpaid. Written reports, conferences with the instructor and other academic work are required. May be repeated once for credit. |
Topics in Language and Literature (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: 3 hours of literature and junior standing.
Selected topics in language and/or literature. May be repeated when topic varies. |
Composition Pedagogy
Prerequisites: Post-baccalaureate standing and 6 hours of upper-division language or writing courses.
Composition theory, technology, and assessment as guides for teaching practices. (Pending Coordinating Board approval) |
Methods of Reading and Writing about Literature
Prerequisites: Post-baccalaureate standing and 6 hours of upper-division literature courses
This course compares the theory and practice of two or three strategies for interpreting literature, such as formalism, reader-response, and cultural studies. (Pending Coordinating Board approval) |
Advanced Shakespeare (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Post-baccalaureate standing and 6 hours of upper-division literature courses.
An in-depth study of four or five plays by Shakespeare, with attention to their literary and intellectual backgrounds, performance/film history, and contemporary critical approaches. (Pending Coordinating Board approval) |
Language Development and Variation: Implications for Educators
Prerequisites: Post-baccalaureate standing and 6 hours of upper-division language or writing courses.
An examination of language development and its relevance to skills required in an educational environment. The course will focus on sound patterns, word formation patterns, sentence structures, and writing systems and standards. It will also address ways in which language variation and multilingualism can interact with and affect development and acquisition of a standard variety. (Pending Coordinating Board approval) |