
Personal Finance (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Completion and/or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1300.
This course addresses all financial decisions a person will make over his/her lifetime. Topics covered would include choice of personal insurance, investments, retirement planning, purchase of long-term assets, etc. |
Principles of Real Estate
(Formerly RE 2301. Student cannot receive credit for both courses) (3-3-0).
Prerequisite: MATH 1300.
An introduction to all phases of real estate: ownership, appraisal, law, financing, land use analysis, taxation, investments and property management. Operation of the real estate market, urban growth, city structures and land use planning are also studied. (REAL 1301) |
Small Business Finance (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ECO 2301, ACC 2302 and junior standing.
Application of basic financial management principles to the small business with particular emphasis to access of funds, venture capital and efficient management of cash and working capital. |
Business Finance (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ACC 2302, , ECO 2302 and completion of or concurrent enrollment in MATH 3309 and junior standing.
Application of financial management techniques to profit-oriented organizations: measuring of needs for business funds, acquiring business funds, investing business funds and elements of international finance. |
Money and Banking (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ECO 2301, ECO 2302 and junior standing.
Role and impact of banking on a market-oriented economic system. |
Risk Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: FIN 3302.
Theories of risk management, including diversification, retention, avoidance, prevention, self-insurance, transfer and insurance as related to current financial practices of business firms and individuals. |
Financial Institutions (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: FIN 3302.
The relationship of financial institutions and their participation in financial markets. Interest rates and monetary and fiscal management are explored and monitored via current events. |
Quantitative Methods in Finance (3-3-0)
Prerequisitess: Grade of "C" or better in MATH 3309.
Advanced quantitative and statistical techniques used for analysis and research purposes in the area of finance and investments. |
Real Estate Valuation (3-0-0)
(Formerly RE 3301. Student cannot receive credit for both courses).
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
Introduction to the fundamental principles of real estate valuation. Identification of the elements of economics and urban land economics which underlie the theory of value for real estate. The course emphasizes and analyzes the steps in real property appraisal from elementary analysis to sophisticated income property analysis. |
Management of Real Property (3-0-0)
(Formerly RE 3302. Student cannot receive credit for both courses).
Prerequisite: FIN 2301.
Management techniques applicable to income producing properties. Special emphasis on leases, lease negotiations, ownership, insurance, taxation of industrial and commercial properties. |
Real Estate Finance (3-0-0)
(Formerly RE 3303. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.).
Prerequisite: FIN 3301.
A study of real estate financing topics from both lenders and equity investors viewpoints, with emphasis on analyzing residential and income properties. Various types of financing are considered and analyzed with respect to specific property types: residential, apartments, shopping centers, office buildings, industrial properties and special use properties. Includes computer applications. |
Directed Study in Finance
Prerequisite: Formal approval by department chair and dean.
Selected topics in finance; intensive individual study under the guidance of a member of the finance faculty. |
Cases in Managerial Finance (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: FIN 3302.
The case method approach is used to provide a learning experience through the simulation of decision-making in a managerial finance setting. |
International Finance (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: FIN 3302.
This course addresses the area of finance in the international context. This course will help students understand international financial markets, international business finance and international investments. |
Management of Financial Institutions (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: FIN 3302 and FIN 3307.
Institutional policies and their interrelationships; acquisition and management of funds, maximizing earnings consistent with an acceptable degree of risk. |
Investments (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: FIN 3302.
Principles, types and forms of investments; supply and demand for funds; characteristics of securities; federal, state and municipal bonds; analysis of securities; and the movement of security prices. |
Employee Benefits and Retirement Planning (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: FIN 3302.
Pension plan design, other employee benefits, social security benefits and financial planning for employee retirement. |
Derivative Securities (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: FIN 3302.
An introduction to the rapidly expanding derivatives market. The course explores hedging techniques through the use of options, futures and swaps. |
Seminar in Finance (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: FIN 3302 and senior standing.
An opportunity for the student to become aware of the latest changes affecting finance and to integrate the subject matter learned in prior academic years. |
Portfolio Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in FIN 4305.
Investment practices of financial institutions: commercial banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, pension funds, life insurance companies and investment companies. Focus on portfolio practices to maximize yield, subject to liquidity and regulatory constraints. |
Income Property Valuation (3-3-0)
(Formerly RE 4301. Students cannot receive credit for both courses).
Prerequisite: FIN 3311.
Advanced course in appraisal of income producing properties. Topics include analysis and decision-making, problem solving techniques and research designs for the appraisal of properties. Statistical applications will be stressed with computer applications. |
Real Estate Investments and Taxation (3-0-0)
(Formerly RE 4306. Students cannot receive credit for both courses).
Prerequisite: FIN 3302.
Real estate investment decisions and the variables which affect real estate values. Mathematical techniques and application, utilizing computer financial models for real estate investment analysis. |
Financial Planning
Prerequisite: FIN 3306, FIN 4305 and FIN 4306, or departments permission.
Financial planning capstone course focusing on the elements of personal finance, investments, insurance, retirement and estate planning. (Certified Financial Planner) exam. |
Special Topics in Finance (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Junior Standing.
Topics of special or current interest in the area of finance taught by faculty or visiting lecturers who possess a special area of expertise. |