Elementary French I (4-3-1)
Should not be taken by native speakers of French or by students with two or more years of high school French.
Laboratory fee required: $10.
Instruction in understanding, speaking, reading and writing French with emphasis on grammatical structures. (FREN 1411)
Elementary French II (4-3-1)
Prerequisite: FREN 1401 or equivalent.
Should not be taken by native speakers of French or by students with two or more years of high school French.
Laboratory fee required: $10.
A continuation of FREN 1401, with emphasis on speaking and listening skills. (FREN 1412)
Intermediate French I (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: FREN 1402 or equivalent.
Should not be taken by native speakers of French.
Grammar review with continued emphasis on oral and listening skills and increased attention to writing and reading. (FREN 2311)
Intermediate French II (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: FREN 2301 or equivalent.
Should not be taken for credit by native speakers of French.
Continuation of FREN 2301, with more emphasis on writing and reading skills. (FREN 2312)
Directed Study in French (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Junior standing; formal approval by department chair and dean; cumulative GPA of 3.0 and GPA of at least 3.3 in the specific area of directed study.
Selected topics in the field; intensive individual study under the guidance of a faculty member.