
Physical Geology Laboratory 1105 (1-0-3)
Prerequisite: Credit or enrollment in GEOL 1305.
Laboratory fee required: $12.
Study of the important rock-forming and economic minerals, the major groups of rocks; introduction to topographic maps and the evolution and classification of landforms. (GEOL 1103) |
Historical Geology Laboratory 1106 (1-0-3)
Prerequisite: Credit or enrollment in GEOL 1306.
Laboratory fee required: $12.
Study of regional and local geologic maps, cross-sections, correlations and sequence of events diagrams, and identification of the more common groups of invertebrate fossils. (GEOL 1104) |
Physical Geology (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Credit or enrollment in MATH 1301 or MATH 1310.
Examination of the materials that make up our planet, the forces that drive its dynamic systems and form its crust, and the agents that shape the earths surface. Credit for both GEOL 1305 and 1307 may not be applied toward a degree.(GEOL 1303) |
Historical Geology (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: GEOL 1305.
The history of geology and development of concepts about the history of our planet, how geologists interpret earth history, introductory paleontology and the history of life. (GEOL 1304) |
Earth Science I (3-2-2)
Laboratory fee required: $12.
An integrated lecturelaboratory approach to physical geology that will employ traditional and specimen approaches along with petrography and computer exercises. Geomorphology and structural geology will be integrated with basic map reading and will consider public debates on seismic risk analysis, coastal erosion, stream/flood control, and the influences these have on modern culture. Credit for both GEOL 1305 and 1307 may not be applied toward a degree. (GEOL 1303) |
Earth Science II (3-2-2)
Prerequisite: GEOL 1307 or equivalent.
Laboratory fee required: $12.
An integrated lecturelaboratory approach to historical geology that will employ hand specimen and other techniques for the identification of fossils and will include major controversies involving the tempo and mode in evolution as well as discussion of the origin of life and coevolution of our planet and life on it. Exercises will teach principles of structure geology, sequence of events, fundamental stratigraphic concepts and graphic correlation. These various structural and stratigraphic analyses will be united in interpretation of geologic maps and their application to human culture. (GEOL 1304) |
Dinosaurs and the Mesozoic World (3-3-0)
A paleobiological study of the reptiles popularly known as dinosaurs along with the biotic and abiotic aspects of the environments during the time in which they lived. |
Undergraduate Research (3-0-9)
Prerequisites: Approval by science advisor and a minimum GPA of 2.5, and permission of instructor.
Independent investigation of a specific problem or topic in geology research under the direction of a selected faculty member. |
Evolution of the Earth and Its Inhabitants (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: One year of biology or geology.
Analysis of the concepts and discoveries that led Darwin to propose his Theory of Natural Selection to explain evolution and the subsequent lines of evidence in both geology and biology that substantiate his ideas and unify our understanding of the relationships of various organisms to each other. Specific groups of organisms will be discussed in relation to morphological changes through time as well as adaptations that may occur due to environmental changes and other other variables. |
Environmental Geology (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: BIOL 1302/1102, CHEM 1308/1108 and GEOL 1306/1106.
Analysis of the influence geology has on the formulation of public policy. Topics to be included are surface/sub-surface water quality and quantity, flood control and navigation, shoreline processes, subsidence, mineral resources and impact from their extraction, waste disposal and geologic hazards such as earthquakes, vulcanism and mass movements. |
Directed Study in Geology
Prerequisite: Formal approval by department chair and dean.
Selected topics in geology; intensive individual study under the guidance of a member of the geology faculty. |
Stratigraphic Concepts and Procedures (4-3-3)
Prerequisites: GEOL 3411.
Laboratory fee required: $12.
An introduction to the physical and biological aspects of the classification and interpretation of primarily stratiform rocks. |
Paleontology (4-3-3)
Prerequisites: GEOL 1306 and GEOL 1106.
Laboratory fee required: $12.
A paleobiologic approach to the major taxa of invertebrate fossils emphasizing their morphology, biotic relationships, paleoecology and evolution. |
Environmental Laboratory and Field Studies (2-0-6)
Prerequisites: credit for BIOL 1302/1102, CHEM 1308/1108, GEOL 1306/1106 and credit or enrollment in BIOL 4360, CHEM 3320 or GEOL 3303.
Intensive laboratory and field investigations to illustrate principles and current concepts presented in BIOL 4360, CHEM 3320 and GEOL 3303 by sampling, measuring and analyzing biological, chemical and physical factors of select environments, with emphasis on the activities of humans and their effects on the ecosystem. |
Advanced Microscopy (3-1-6)
Prerequisites: 16 hours of laboratory-based science which includes 8 hours at the upper level, and approval of course instructor. Laboratory fee required: $24.
Instrumentation principles and laboratory exercises associated with the applications of a variety of microscopes and associated techniques, including preparation of samples, light microscopy (bright-field, dark-field, phase-contrast, polarized and fluorescent), scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray microanalysis. |
Senior Honors Thesis
Prerequisites: Senior standing and enrollment in the Honors Program in the Natural Sciences.
A research project, supervised by a member of the natural science faculty or scientist at an affiliated research institution or laboratory. The completed research project must be presented in both written and oral form to the science faculty. No more than six hours credit for this course may be applied toward a degree. |