
Computer Applications in Humanities and Social Sciences
Prerequisite: ENG 1302.
An overview of computer hardware and software applications for students in programs in the humanities, English, social sciences, and teacher certification. The course emphasizes hands-on experience in word processing, desktop publishing, educational software and multimedia. |
Foundations of Western Culture I (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Three hours of literature.
A philosophical study of major literary, historical, artistic and scientific events and personalities that have contributed to the ideas of the present. Readings from Greek, Roman and medieval cultures. |
Foundations of Western Culture II (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Three hours of literature.
A philosophical study of major literary, historical, artistic and scientific events and personalities that have contributed to the ideas of the present. Readings from the Renaissance to the present. |
American Ethnic Heritage (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as ENG 3324).
Prerequisite: Three hours of literature.
An interdisciplinary study of ethnic contributions to the art, music, drama and literature of the United States |
Cultural Criticism (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as ENG 3340).
Prerequisites: Three hours of literature and three hours of philosophy.
A survey of different ways of analyzing human culture. Students examine major schools of criticism and interpretation of society and its creative activity. This course is the gateway course for the Humanities program. May be repeated once for credit, with permission of Arts and Humanities Department Chair. |
Major Developments in the History of Art (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as ART 3301).
Prerequisite: Three hours of art history or art appreciation.
A study of important historical events in the development of the theory and practice of the visual arts. |
Major Developments in the History of Music (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as MUS 3301).
Prerequisite: Three hours of music appreciation.
A study of important historical events in the development of music theory and performance. |
Studies in Autobiography (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as ENG 3314).
Prerequisite: Three hours of literature.
A study of autobiographical writing; the course may analyze its forms or techniques, trace a topic or type of autobiographical literature or investigate critical problems posed by autobiography. |
Theater: Greek to Elizabethan (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as DRA 3303).
Prerequisite: ENG 1301.
World theater from its beginnings to the 18th century, including theater architecture, staging and costuming practices, plays and playwrights, and social and political forces affecting the theater. |
Theater: Elizabethan to Modern (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as DRA 3304).
Prerequisite: ENG 1301.
World theater from the 18th century to the present. |
Foreign Language Literature in Translation (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Three hours of literature.
A survey of selected classic and contemporary texts originally written in languages other than English. This course may be repeated once for credit, with the permission of the department chair. |
Hispanic Culture and Civilization (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ENG 1302.
A survey of the cultural traditions of Spanish-speaking populations, including those of Spain, Latin America and the United States. No knowledge of Spanish is required or expected. |
Technology and Literature (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as ENG 3323).
Prerequisite: Three hours of literature.
The course may study influences of technology or science on literature, analyze how literature represents technology, or interpret literature as a reflection of social ambivalence toward technology. |
Second Language Acquisition (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: PSY 1303.
An investigation of current theories and research techniques in the study of second language acquisition and bilingualism with special emphasis on the implications for bilingual and foreign language education. |
Psychology through Literature (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as ENG 4313).
Prerequisites: Three hours of literature.
The course adopts psychological theory as a methodology for studying literature and its cultural contexts. |
Senior Seminar in the Humanities (3-3-0)
(Cross-listed as ENG 4330).
Prerequisites: Senior standing and 18 upper-division hours in the humanities, including HUM 3310/ENG 3400.
A review of key issues in interpretation and understanding from philosophy, literature, history and the arts. It aims to provide students with means for synthesizing their studies in the liberal arts. This course is the capstone for the Humanities program. |
Field Experience (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Sixty hours toward degree and approval of department chair.
Placement of students in jobs involving areas in the humanities within the private and public sectors. Work may be paid or unpaid. Written reports, conferences with the instructor and other academic work are required. May be repeated once for credit. |
Selected Topics in the Arts and/or Humanities (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: ENG 1302 and junior standing.
Selected topics in the arts and/or humanities. May be repeated once when topic varies. |
Directed Study in Humanities
Prerequisites: Junior standing; formal approval of department chair and dean; cumulative GPA of 3.0 and GPA of at least 3.3 in the specific area of directed study.
Selected topics in the humanities; intensive individual study under the guidance of a member of the faculty. |