
Management of Organizations (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Junior standing.
Introduction to the management of organizational behavior. Micro and macro organizational behavior topics are covered including motivation, personality, groups and intergroup dynamics, decision making, communication, politics and ethics, organizational design and change and international issues. The functions of management-planning, organizing, leading and controlling are also examined. |
Human Resource Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: MGT 3301.
Policies, procedures and strategies of human resource management including recruitment, job analysis, employee appraisal, staffing, and compensation. |
Negotiating Skills and Techniques (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: PSY 1303 and junior standing.
Process of negotiation, human behavior involved in negotiations, techniques of communication, persuasion, strategy, tactics and formulation of game plans. Practical exercises in mock negotiations. |
Labor Management Relations (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: MGT 3302.
Current issues and problems facing management in its relationships with employees, government and the community. The management-union relationship, governmental actions affecting this relationship and trends in the composition of the work force. |
Planning and Budgeting (3-3-0)
(Formerly FIN 3303. Student cannot receive credit for both courses.).
Prerequisites: CIS 1301, ACC 2302 and junior standing.
The study of formal planning and control systems. Topics include planning procedures and tools, organization of the planning system, budgeting, management by objectives, computer based planning models and comparative planning approaches. |
Compensation Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: MGT 3302.
Installation and administration of a wage and salary program. Evaluation of personnel, government and union influence and the implementation and maintenance of various incentive plans and fringe benefit packages. |
Equal Opportunity Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: MGT 3301.
Focuses on managerial issues affected by the rights of the workforce. Issues include harassment and discrimination based on such factors as race, ethnicity, gender, physically challenged and sexual orientation. Credit will not be given for both ADM 3303 and MGT 3307. |
Purchasing Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Junior standing and MATH 1305 or instructor approval.
Management of the purchasing function. Emphasis on the overall goals of purchasing. These goals include: provide an uninterrupted flow of materials and services, keep inventory at minimum, maintain quality standards, develop competent suppliers, standardize the item bought, obtain the lowest ultimate price, improve the organizations competitive position and achieve good external and internal working relationships. |
Materials Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: MATH 1305 and Junior standing.
The materials flow process within an organization. Topics include forecasting, logistics of supply production and distribution including materials planning, inventory management, storage, traffic, scrap and surplus disposal, ethics, value analysis and governmental acquisition. |
Quantitative Decision Making
Prerequisite: MGT 3301 and a grade of C or better in MATH 3309.
Decision-making models with applications to business situations involving manufacturing, production and delivery of services. Topics include decision theories, forecasting, total quality management, linear programming, inventory management, location and layout, transportation, queuing, simulation, NPV and break-even, project management/scheduling, and just-in-time concepts. Topics will be applied to actual business situations using computer software. |
Directed Study in Management
Prerequisite: Approval of department chair and dean.
Selected topics in management; intensive individual study under the guidance of a member of the management faculty. |
International Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Junior standing or permission of instructor.
International Management is concerned with the coordination of human, financial, and physical resources in multi-cultural organizations. The focus will be on the managerial implications of the following topics: Global economic developments and trends, international cultural environment, international negotiations, strategic planning, integrative strategies, competitiveness, organizing for international operations, human resource management, control, and ethics. |
Small Business Management
Prerequisites: Junior standing.
An overview of the elements necessary for a small business to be developed, introduced into the marketplace, and successfully managed. Emphasis is placed on building a business plan. |
Operations Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: MGT 3301 and MATH 3309.
The introduction of operations management techniques with application to actual business situations. Topics include modeling of forecasting, quality control, linear programming, inventory control, location and layout, transportation, queuing, and project management. |
Applied Organizational Behavior (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: MGT 3301 or instructor approval.
This skill-building course relies on the general concepts imparted in MGT 3301. The focus is on leading and managing within organizations with special emphasis on self-awareness, stress management, supportive communication, conflict management, motivating others, the exercise of power, and team building. Diagnosis of current managerial skill level, readings, group exercises, and applications is included. |
Federal Governmental Procurement (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: MGT 3308.
Instruction in government procurement at the federal level. Comparison of purchasing practices in the public sector and private sector. Emphasis on political, legal and fiscal aspects, contract placement and administration of government contracts and grants. |
Contracts Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: MGT 4311 or instructor approval.
Administration of contracts in government and private sector. Emphasis on managers post-award responsibilities to completion of contract. Topics include organization for contract management, contract interpretation, property management, subcontracting, management of progress, quality assurance, financing and funding, negotiating changes and disputes. |
State and Local Government Purchasing
Prerequisite: MGT 3308.
Focus of course is on purposes, duties and the potential benefits of state and local government purchasing. Purpose is to develop an understanding of state and local government purchasing programs. |
Quality Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: MGT 3301 and MGT 3332 or instructor approval.
A comprehensive study of management and technical issues in quality management. Topics include quality management philosophies, TQM, customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, organization and implementation of quality, quality assurance, and statistical process control. |
Supply Chain Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: MGT 3308 or equivalent, or instructor approval.
Covers the concept of supply chains beginning with raw materials, going through an organizations internal operations, and continuing to the ultimate end user of a product. Focuses on how to manage principal supply chains to improve the overall supply efficiency of an organization. Includes: how to identify supply chains, an overview of methods, processes, and systems used in the operation of supply chains, and where and how to apply or change supply chain operations to improve their performance. |
Project Management
Prerequisite: MGT 3332 or MGT 4305.
Techniques for planning, scheduling and controlling are presented with the use of software tools. Emphasis is placed on problem solving skills and project team development. Students will utilize techniques presented in this course to successfully complete a real-world project related to management. |
Advanced Purchasing And Supply Management Seminar (3-3-0)
(Formerly MGT 4309. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.).
Prerequisite: 12 hours of purchasing courses or instructor approval.
The capstone course in purchasing and supply management. Emphasizes purchasing and supply management strategy and planning through the use of the latest research in purchasing and supply management. Covers body of knowledge essential to meet the requirements of the Certified Purchasing Managers (C.P.M.) examination. |
Field Experience
For more information and qualifications see Field Experience in the College of Business section of this catalog and/or the department chair for your declared major. |
Selected Topics in Management (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Approval of instructor or department chair.
Intensive study of one or more major topics in management. May be repeated for credit with departmental approval when topics vary. |
Selected Topics in Purchasing
Prerequisite: Approval of instructor or department chair.
Intensive study of one or more major topics in purchasing and materials management, especially with respect to new or emerging areas. Course may be repeated for credit with departmental approval when topics vary. |