
Microbiology Lab (1-0-3)
Prerequisite: Credit or enrollment in MBIO 1305.
Laboratory fee required: $12.
Exercises and experiments which emphasize sterile techniques and other techniques used in the study of microorganisms in the clinical laboratory. (BIOL 2120) |
Microbiology (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Credit or enrollment in MBIO 1105; CHEM 1305 and CHEM 1105 recommended.
Morphology, classification and physiology of microorganisms, with special emphasis on bacteria. The principles and procedures of disinfection and sterilization are also considered. (BIOL 2320) |
General Microbiology Lab (1-0-3)
Prerequisite: Credit or enrollment in MBIO 2305.
Laboratory fee required: $12.
Experiments which emphasize sterile technique, staining techniques and biochemical tests used to identify microorganisms. (BIOL 2121) |
General Microbiology (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: BIOL 1302/1102 and CHEM 1308/1108 and credit or enrollment in MBIO 2105.
An introduction to microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, yeasts, algae and protozoa) with attention to morphology, physiology, genetics, taxonomy, and relationship of microorganisms to soil, water, food, industry and health. Credit for both BIOL 1305 and 2305 may not be applied toward a degree. (BIOL 2321) |
Virology (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: MBIO 2305/2105.
The various groups of viruses are studied with regard to their structure, characteristics, mechanisms of replication, applications to molecular biology and to disease processes. |
Undergraduate Research (3-0-9)
Prerequisites: Approval by science advisor, a minimum GPA of 2.5, and permission of instructor.
Independent investigation of a specific problem or topic in microbiology research under the direction of a selected faculty member. |
Directed Study in Microbiology
Prerequisite: Approval of the department chair and the dean; junior standing, minimum GPA of 3.0.
Intensive in-depth study of various topics under the guidance of a member of the biology faculty. |
Microbiology Seminar (1-1-0)
Prerequisites: Senior standing or permission of the instructor, MBIO 2305/2105 and eight hours of upper-level science.
Readings and student presentations of relevant articles from current scientific journals or the results of the research. |
Methods in Recombinant DNA Technology (1-0-3)
Prerequisites: MBIO 2305/2105, BIOL 3303/3103, credit or enrollment in MBIO 4310 and eight additional hours of upper-level science
Laboratory fee required: $12.
Techniques in recombinant DNA technology including growth and assays of bacteria and bacteriophage; restriction enzyme digestions of plasmids, bacteriophage and recombinant DNA; and gel electrophoresis analysis of restricted DNA. |
Immunology Lab (1-0-3)
Prerequisite: Credit or enrollment in MBI0 4320
Laboratory fee required: $12.
Introduction to immunology laboratory techniques including agglutination, precipitation, neutralization and labelled immunoassays. |
Pathogenic Microbiology Lab (1-0-3)
Prerequisite: Credit or enrollment in MBIO 4340
Laboratory fee required: $12.
Techniques commonly used to identify clinically important pathogens. |
Industrial Microbiology (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: MBIO 2305/2105, BIOL 3303/3103 and eight additional hours of upper-level science.
Fundamental principles of biotechnology with emphasis on microbial systems and practical applications of genetic engineering and clinical systems. |
Immunology (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: MBIO 2305/2105 and CHEM 3301/3201.
The immune response including transplantation and tumor immunology, hypersensitivity and autoimmune diseases. |
Pathogenic Microbiology (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: MBIO 2305/2105, CHEM 3301/3201 and credit or enrollment in MBIO 4140.
Microbial pathogens, clinical characterization, disease symptoms and chemotherapy. |
Field Experience
Prerequisites: At least 85 hours and departmental approval.
Field experience integrates theory learned in microbiology courses with practical laboratory or field experiences. May be repeated for additional credit; six hours may be applied toward degree in applied microbiology. |
Senior Honors Thesis
Prerequisite: Senior standing and enrollment in the Honors Program in the Natural Sciences.
A research project, supervised by a member of the natural sciences faculty or scientist at an affiliated research institution or laboratory. The completed research project must be presented in both written and oral form to the science faculty. No more than six hours credit for this course may be applied toward a degree. |