
Introduction to Philosophy (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1301 or concurrent enrollment in ENG 1301.
Teaches student how to think philosophically about basic issues about human nature and the limits of human knowledge, freedom and determinism, morality and responsibility, the role of science, technology, work and religion in their lives. (PHIL 1301) |
Classical Philosophy (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1301 or concurrent enrollment in ENG 1301.
Traces the development of Western philosophy from its Greek sources through Roman and medieval philosophy to the birth of the modern world. (PHIL 2316) |
Modern Philosophy (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1301 or concurrent enrollment in ENG 1301.
An historical survey of the development of philosophic thought from Descartes through Kant with emphasis on the rationalists and empiricists. (PHIL 2317) |
Logic (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1301 or concurrent enrollment in ENG 1301.
Rules and principles of effective thinking and argumentation, including inductive and deductive logic and formal and informal fallacies. (PHIL 2303) |
Moral Issues, Personal and Professional (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Three hours of philosophy or junior standing.
Ethical theories, both traditional and modern, as applied to contemporary personal and professional problems; emphasis on legal, medical, political and business ethics and the so-called new morality. |
Philosophy of Science (3-3-0)
An examination of the organization of the sciences, the logic of their theories and methods, with some attention to the sciences implications for cultural and moral values. |
Contemporary Philosophy (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Three hours of philosophy.
A survey of recent philosophic schools and movements from Neitzsche to the deconstructionists. Emphasis on phenomenological and existential philosophies. |
World Religions (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1302.
A study of religion and religious experience around the world. |
Philosophy of Religion (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1302.
Essence and meaning of religion. A consideration of the problems of faith and reason, the nature of deity, arguments for and against Gods existence; Nature of evil. |
Directed Study in Philosophy
Prerequisites: Junior standing; formal approval by department chair and dean; cumulative GPA of3.0 and GPA of at least 3.3 in the specific area of directed study
Selected topics in the field; intensive individual study under the guidance of a member of the faculty. |
Symbolic Logic (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: An introductory-level philosophy course or permission of instructor.
An introduction to the principles of ordered thought, discussing the logic of predicates, quantifiers; non-deductive arguments; calculation of probabilities, statistical inference, prepositional and predicate calculus. |