Land Management Practice (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: PLM 2301, PLM 4301 or departmental approval. Concurrent enrollment in PLM 4304.
Development of the technical skills related to understanding the terminology, methodology, planning, strategies and management of the professional land management functions as they relate to: (1) the determination of mineral ownership; (2) negotiation, acquisition, maintenance and disposition of publicly or privately owned oil and gas interests; (3) title curative and the due diligence functions; (4) pooling and unitization; (5) lease administration and payment of the proceeds from oil and gas production; and (6) interpretation, negotiation, preparation, execution and administration of oil and gas contracts in the USA and internationally, as they relate to farmouts, well trades, operating agreements and host government contracts. Additional emphasis is given to the ethical and professional standards of the petroleum landman as part of the exploration/production team. |