
General Psychology (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of ENG 1301.
A survey of the essential subject areas, major theories and approaches to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. (PSYC 2301) |
Social Psychology (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: PSY 1303.
The study of the psychological processes that occur within groups and between groups as a function of the individual. (SOCI 2326 or PSYC 2319) |
Adjustment (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: PSY 1303.
Psychological theory and research as they relate to contemporary problems of human behavior. Factors contributing to healthy individuals relationships with themselves and their environment. (PSYC 2315) |
Human Growth and Development (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: PSY 1303.
A lifespan approach to the theories, principles, and characteristics of human development. |
Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: PSY 1303.
Application of psychological theory to problems of selecting, training, supervising and motivating individuals in organizational settings. |
Principles of Educational Psychology (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: PSY 1303.
An introduction to psychological concepts within the context of education. Additional emphasis on historical, cultural, and legal issues in education. |
Child Psychology (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: PSY 1303 and 3 additional hours in psychology.
The study of development from conception up to adolescence from theoretical and practical viewpoints. Emphasis is on the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional changes which occur during childhood. |
Adolescent Psychology (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: PSY 1303 and 3 additional hours in psychology.
A study of adolescent development from theoretical and practical viewpoints. Emphasis is on the physical, cognitive, social and emotional changes which occur during adolescence. |
Adult Psychology (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: PSY 1303 and three additional hours in psychology.
The psychological, biological and sociological factors which affect the major stages of adult development. |
Psychology of Women (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: PSY 1303 and three additional hours in psychology.
A survey of the major theories and issues involved in understanding the impact of gender on thinking and behaving. |
Biological Psychology
Prerequisites: PSY 1303 and 3 additional hours in psychology and one of the following: BIOL 1301, 1303, 1310.
A survey of theory and research in the biology of mind and behavior, focusing on the internal processes underlying the activities of the organism, learning, memory, motivation, perception, and emotion. Important biopsychological phenomena will be discussed such as the biological mechanisms underlying eating and drinking, sexual behavior, sleep and dreaming, and stress and the immune system. Other topics may include the structure and function of the nervous, neuroendrocrine, and sensorimotor systems, as well as basic principles of evolution and genetics. |
The History of Psychology (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: PSY 1303, six additional hours in psychology and junior standing.
Major theoretical positions and research that contributed to development of psychology as a scientific discipline. Emphasis on developments from the late 19th century to the present. |
Abnormal Psychology (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: PSY 1303, six additional hours in psychology and junior standing.
The etiology, classification and treatment of psychopathological disorders from these major theoretical perspectives: psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, physiological and sociocultural. |
African-American Issues in Psychology (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: PSY 1303, six additional hours in psychology and junior standing.
This course surveys past and contemporary issues pertaining to the African American, including historical, developmental, clinical, educational and social issues. |
Learning and Behavior (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: PSY 1303, six additional hours in psychology and junior standing.
Survey of theory and research in the general principles of human and animal learning, with a particular focus on the fundamental processes involved in classical and operant conditioning. Special emphasis on human learning and behavior with practical applications in family and work life. |
Memory and Cognition
Prerequisites: PSY 1303, six additional hours in psychology and junior standing.
Survey of theory and research in cognitive processes with an emphasis in human memory. Topics include learning, memory, perception, language, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Introduction to the broader field of cognitive science and neurocognition. |
Theories of Personality (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: PSY 1303, six additional hours in psychology and junior standing.
Major contemporary theories of personality are examined along with their implications for clinical application and research. |
Psychological Assessment (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: PSY 1303, six additional hours in psychology and junior standing.
The theory and practice of psychological tests, including a survey of the commonly used methods, techniques and instruments for measuring and assessing individual differences with regard to intelligence, personality, interests, aptitude and achievement. |
Senior Seminar in Psychology (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: PSY 1303, six additional hours in psychology and Junior standing.
In-depth investigation of selected topics in psychology. May be repeated for credit when topic varies. (Pending Coordinating Board approval) |