
Teaching Reading in the Elementary Schools (3-3-0)
Focuses on the developmental nature of reading. Examines current methods, strategies, and materials for emergent literacy, elementary reading, and middle school reading instruction. |
Correcting Reading Problems in the Classroom (3-3-0)
Focuses on procedures and strategies for preventing, diagnosing and correcting reading problems. Examines theoretical models of the reading process and the nature and types of reading differences (disabilities). |
Literacy Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment EC2 (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: READ 3305 and READ 3306.
Current methods, strategies, and curricular resources for teaching and assessing emergent literacy in the early childhoodsecond grade classroom. |
Reading Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment 48 (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: READ 3305.
Reading instructional strategies, methods, approaches, and classroom assessment procedures for the upper elementary and middle school classroom teacher. Focuses on providing appropriate instruction to address student diversity and class performance differences for students in upper elementary and middle school. |
Foundations of Literacy Development and Instruction, Early ChildhoodGrade 8
Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education Program.
Courses focuses on the developmental nature of reading and examines theoretical approaches to literacy instruction. |
Language and Literacy Development (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Admission into Teacher Education Program.
Investigates the relationship between language and thought, theories of language development, changes in the young childs cognitive structure, and the role of the teacher in literacy development. |
Language Arts Instruction (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Admission into Teacher Education Program.
This course is designed to address instruction of expressive language (speaking and writing) and receptive language (reading and listening). Methodologies for instructing grammar conventions, standard English usage, spelling, writing process, and expressive communication skills and strategies are emphasized. |
Literacy Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment in Spanish EC2 (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: READ 3305 and READ 3306.
Current methods, strategies, and curricular resources for teaching and assessing emergent literacy for the Spanish speaking student in the early childhoodsecond grade classroom. |
Teaching Reading in the Content Area 48 (3-3-0)
Focuses on reading as a thinking and learning process. Emphasizes current theory and methods for teaching reading and study strategies for elementary and middle school classroom teachers. |
Teaching Reading in the Secondary School Content Areas(3-3-0)
Focuses on reading as a thinking and learning process. Emphasizes current theory and methods for teaching reading and study strategies for secondary content area teachers. |
Teaching Reading in the Secondary School Content Areas.(3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program and concurrent enrollment in Interdisciplinary Block I Secondary.
Field-based course which focuses upon techniques for applying reading and study skills across secondary subject areas. Includes opportunities to interact with students and teachers in urban public school settings. |
Reading Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment in ESL 48 (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: READ 3305.
Instructional strategies, methods, approaches, and classroom assessment procedures for teaching reading to bilingual and ESL upper elementary and middle school students. Focuses on providing appropriate instruction to address student diversity and class performance differences for students in upper elementary and middle school. |
Literacy Curriculum, Methods, Assessment (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: READ 3303.
Current methods, strategies, and curricular resources for teaching and assessing beginning reading for students in grades 24. |
Diagnostic Instruction of Reading 48 (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: READ 3304.
Designed to address at-risk readers, this course focuses on assessment, evaluation, and diagnosis of reading difficulties and appropriate instructional strategies to meet specific needs within the regular classroom. This field-based course requires working one-to-one with an elementary or middle school student to provide individualized instruction based on assessment data. |
LIteracy Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment in Bilingual/ESL (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: READ 3308.
Current methods, strategies, and curricular resources for teaching and assessing beginning reading for Spanish speaking and ESL students in grades 24. |
Diagnostic Instruction of Reading in the ESL Classroom 48
Prerequisite: READ 3312.
Designed to address bilingual and ESL readers, this course focuses on assessment, evaluation, and diagnosis of reading difficulties and appropriate instructional strategies to meet specific needs within the regular classroom. This field based course requires working one-to-one with an elementary or middle school bilingual or ESL student to provide individualized instruction based on assessment data. |