
Research Methods in the Social Sciences (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Three hours in anthropology, criminal justice, history, political science, psychology or sociology.
Introduction to research methods in the social sciences. Basic principles and procedures in research design, data collection, report writing, and theory construction are presented. Emphasis on quantitative methodology and statistical analysis of data with computer software packages used by researchers in the social sciences. |
Human Sexuality (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Any one of the following: ANTH 2301, ANTH 2302, PSY 1303 or SOC 1303.
Physiological, psychological and sociological factors in human sexuality. The human sexual system, sexual activity, todays sexual attitudes and behavior, alternate lifestyles and sexual inadequacies. (PSYC 2306 or SOCI 2306) |
Social Gerontology (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Any one of the following: ANTH 2301, ANTH 2302, PSY 1303 or SOC 1303.
A multidisciplinary approach to the study of aging. In addition to examining and analyzing the physiological, psychological, and social aspects of aging, the impact of the elderly on current global demographics and the ethical dilemmas of our aging society are discussed. |
Death and Dying (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Three hours in psychology or sociology beyond ANTH 2301, ANTH 2302, PSY 1303 or SOC 1303 and junior standing.
Various psychological, secular and religious attitudes, beliefs and practices toward death and dying. The stages of death, euthanasia, cultural and religious customs, and the psychological impact of death on the survivors. |
Statistics in the Social Sciences (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: 3 hours in anthropology, criminal justice, history, political science, psychology or sociology and completion of MATH 1301 or MATH 1310.
An introductory course presenting the computation and use of descriptive and inferential statistics in the social sciences. Students are taught how to calculate statistical measures by hand and by using statistical software packages employed by researchers in the social sciences. |
Directed Study in the Social Sciences
Prerequisites: Junior standing; approval of department chair and dean; cumulative GPA of 3.0 and GPA of at least 3.3 in the specific area of directed study.
Intensive individual study under the guidance of a member of the faculty on selected topics in the social sciences. |
Special Projects in the Social Sciences (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Senior standing and department approval.
Provides a culminating experience for the Social Sciences or Interdisciplinary Studies major. May include a senior thesis or another special project worked out between the student and the department. |
The Study of the Future (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Junior standing plus 6 hours in the behavioral sciences beyond ANTH 2301, ANTH 2302, PSY 1303 or SOC 1303.
An introduction to the study of the future: the history of the futurist movement, future trends and issues, the impact of the future on the family, the individual and lifestyles. How future-oriented thinking can assist community organizations in forecasting and planning. |
Field Experience (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: Sixty hours toward degree, 2.5 GPA, and approval of department chair.
Work experience in public or private sector positions of relevance to the social sciences disciplines. Conferences with the instructor and other academic assignments are required. May be repeated for credit. |
Directed Study in the Social Sciences
Prerequisites: Senior standing, approval of department chair and dean; cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and a GPA of at least 3.3 in the specific area of the directed study.
Intensive individual study under the guidance of a member of the faculty on selected topics in the social sciences. |
Special Projects in the Social Sciences
Prerequisites: Senior standing and department approval.
Provides a culminating experience for the Social Sciences or Interdisciplinary Studies major. May include a senior thesis or a special project worked out between the student and the department. |
Field Experience
Prerequisites: 60 hours toward degree, 2.5 GPA, and approval of department chair.
Work experience in public or private sector positions of relevance to the social sciences disciplines. Conferences with the instructor and other academic assignments are required. |