
Principles of Sociology (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of ENG 1301.
An introduction to the scientific study of human society. This sociological perspective focuses on new ways of looking at society and its component parts, so the student is encouraged to develop a critical view of society, social processes and individual roles. (SOCI 1301) |
Social Problems (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: SOC 1303.
The relationship of social problems to social structure with specific emphasis on such problems as crime, poverty, urban deterioration and aging. (SOCI 1306) |
Sex Roles (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Any one of the following: ANTH 2301, ANTH 2302, PSY 1303 or SOC 1303.
The changing male and female roles in contemporary society. Traditional sex role socialization, resulting stereotypical attitudes and behavior, the status of both men and women in society. Emerging trends in employment, family roles and male-female relationships. |
Introduction to Social Work (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: SOC 1303, sophomore standing or permission of the department.
An introduction to the broad field of social work, with an emphasis on social policy, community organization and social services. Attention is given to ideology, values, methods and the issue of professionalism. (SOCI 2361) |
Sociology of the Family (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: SOC 1303 and junior standing.
The family as an institution; theoretical perspectives on the family and comparative analyses of alternative lifestyles in American society and other cultures are emphasized. |
Minorities in America (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: SOC 1303 and junior standing.
A survey of minorities and intergroup relations in past and present American society, with emphasis on theoretical perspectives and possible future trends. |
Social Inequality (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: SOC 1303 and junior standing.
U.S. social and economic inequality, focusing on theory, analysis and data. Topics discussed include class system in the United States, differentials in economic levels, family, education, life-styles, class consciousness; racism and sexism as structures of inequality; the relationship between social class and political power and the future of inequality. |
Sociology of Deviance (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: SOC 1303 or PSY 1303 and junior standing.
A survey of deviant behavior in todays society, including the meaning of deviance from the standpoint of norms and societys reaction as well as theoretical approaches to explain deviance. |
Sociology of Health and Illness
Prerequisite: SOC 1303 and junior standing.
A social history and cross-cultural analysis of the institution of medicine. Social organization of health care and the medical profession, social factors affecting health and illness, and the medicalization of social problems. |
Aggression and Violence in Society (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: SOC 1303 and junior standing.
An overview of violence trends in American society including youth, domestic, and other types of violent crime. Sociological and social psychological theories in cross-cultural perspectives will be applied to explain aggression and its manifestation in violence. Current social policy impact on violence and other prevention issues will also be discussed. (Pending Coordinating Board approval) |
Drug Use and Society
Prerequisite: SOC 1303 and junior standing.
Employing perspectives of both sociology and social psychology, this course explores the use of legal and illegal substances, mainly with reference to the United States. Topics discussed will be: 1) the history of used and attitudes toward tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and other substances; 2) the political economy of drug production and distribution; 3) social psychological stages of substance used involvement; 4) contemporary approaches to substance use prevention among adolescence; 5) socio-cultural causes of substance use. |
Political Sociology (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: SOC 1303, three additional hours in sociology and junior standing.
The impact of the political world on everyday life. The role of the individual as a participant or non-participant in political affairs; the effect of the political arena on other societal institutions; and practical politics as a part of individual and group survival strategies. |
Sociology of Work (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: SOC 1303, three additional hours in sociology and junior standing.
Work as a social phenomenon and its role in an individuals life. Why people work; challenges to the work ethic; the influence of technology on work; work places as structured social organizations; and the future of work. |
Urban Sociology (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: SOC 1303, three additional hours in sociology and junior standing.
A study of urban and suburban life in terms of social structure and organization, metropolitan development and formulation of public policy. |
Public Opinion and Mass Communication (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: SOC 1303, three additional hours of sociology and junior standing.
The nature and development of public opinion and the process and impact of mass communication. |