
Voice and Diction (3-3-0)
Strongly recommended for students for whom English is a second language. Introduction to phonetics and methods of voice development. Acquiring good speech habits through individual analysis, tape recordings, guided practice, class drills, oral readings and vocabulary building. (SPCH 1342) |
Oral Interpretation of Literature (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1301 or permission of instructor.
An introduction to the oral study of texts through performance of prose and poetry. Assists students in mastering theory and practice of performing and reading texts. Recommended for elementary education certification. (SPCH 2341) |
Storytelling (3-3-0)
Students will develop skills in storytelling by examining the communicative elements essential to the storytelling event: teller, audience, purpose. Enhancing critical and creative thinking, developing language skills, improving listening, and better understanding and appreciating culture are among the topics to be covered in this performance-based course. Also included is storytelling as a teaching tool. |
Introduction to Speech Communication (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: READ 1300 or acceptable reading placement score.
An overview of skills important in developing effective communication. Students will gain experience in interpersonal, small group, and public communication. (SPCH 1311) |
Communication in the Classroom
Prerequisite: Enrollment in or credit for ENG 1301.
Communication behaviors for the classroom teacher and how those behaviors affect student learning. Discussion of theories and practice in self-concept, feedback, listening, disclosure and nonverbal communication. (SPCH 2320) |
Argumentation and Debate (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: SPCH 1304 or permission of instructor.
Theory and practice in argumentation and debate, including inductive and deductive reasoning, attitude change, use of evidence, fallacies, and beginning debate. |
Intercultural Communication (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: ENG 1302.
A study of the impact of culture on communication behaviors and the implication for cross-cultural interactions, both interpersonal and organizational. |
Interpersonal Communication (3-3-0)
A theoretical, practical and experiential introduction to interpersonal communication. Areas in communication apprehension, family communication, listening and communication in multiple contexts are discussed. |
Readers Theatre (3-3-0)
Prerequisites: 3 hours of literature or DRA 1303 or DRA 1304 or 3 hours of speech.
Readers Theatre is designed to introduce students to various forms of group performance. The course fuses acting/performance, critical thinking skills, and textual analysis. Specifically, this course introduces students to the theoretical and historical underpinnings of this form of performance, while providing an opportunity to create and perform Readers Theatre scripts. |
Public Speaking (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: SPCH 1304 or 3306.
A comprehensive examination of the preparation and presentation of various types of speeches. Types include: informative, persuasive, impromptu and ceremonial. Videotaping and in-depth student assessment are integral to the course. |
Business and Professional Speech Communication(3-3-0)
Prerequisite: SPCH 1304 or ENG 1302.
Effective communication in a business and professional setting. Units include: interview, group decision making, informing, and persuading. |
Family Communication (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Three hours of speech.
Course reflects the trends in theory and practice in developing an understanding of the frameworks of communication as it relates to the family unit. Communication issues include intimacy, roles, power, decision-making, rules, quality dialogue and conflict. |
Women, Men and Communication (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Three hours of speech.
Course explores the theory and practice of communication between the sexes in personal relationships and professional contexts. The social construction of gender is also discussed. |
Communication in the Organization (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Three hours of speech.
Emphasis is placed on linking theories of organizational behavior and leadership to theories of human communication in dyadic, small group, presentational, and public contexts. Students have the opportunity to apply theories to real organizational settings by conducting diagnostic projects focusing on communication dynamics within the organizational setting. |
Communication Training and Development (33-0)
Prerequisites: SPCH 3306 or ENG 3302.
Methods of training and development are explored as communication processes through which organizations help managers and employees improve performance and increase job satisfaction. Methods include discussion, simulation, programmed instruction, and multimedia presentation. Students learn skills required for designing a training program: assessing needs, interviewing, and writing the training proposal. |
Issues in Speech Communication (3-3-0)
Prerequisite: Three hours of speech.
The issues addressed in this course reflect current trends in speech communication. Possible topics to be offered in different semesters include: health communication, nonverbal communication, small group communication, training and development. With permission of department chair, may be repeated once for credit. |