Abramowitz, Joan S. (1987) Associate Professor of Biology. BA, Ithaca College, 1971; MS, New York University, 1975; PhD, 1981.
Ahern, Susan Kiernan (1983) Associate Professor of English. AB, University of Illinois, 1971; MA, Ball State University, 1973; PhD, University of Illinois, 1980.
Aló, Richard A. (1982) Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BA, Gannon College, 1960; MA, Pennsylvania State University, 1965; PhD, 1965.
Alvarez, José E. (1996) Assistant Professor History. BA, Florida Atlantic University, 1977; MA, 1981; PhD, Florida State University, 1995.
Anderson, T. Chaney (1968) Assistant Professor of Mathematics. BS, Abilene Christian College, 1960; MEd, 1961; MA, University of Oregon, 1967.
Ashe, Carolyn H. (1992) Associate Professor of Administrative Management. BBA, University of North Texas, 1969; MBA, 1971; EdD, University of Houston, 1984.
Aven, Forrest (1990) Associate Professor of Management. BBA, Texas Christian University, 1976; MBA, 1977; PhD, University of Colorado, 1988.
Avenoso, Alfred Charles, Jr. (1976) Professor of Biology. BA, University of St. Thomas, 1964; PhD, University of Florida, 1968.

Baker, Susan J. (1995) Associate Professor of Art. BA, University of Oklahoma, 1982; MA, University of Kansas, 1985; PhD, University of Kansas, 1994.
Baker, Victoria (1990) Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences. BS, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras, Tegucigalpa, D.C. Honduras, 1980; MEd, Texas A&M University, 1988.
Barnes, Ronald F. (1977) Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BS, St. Bonaventure University, 1964; MS, Syracuse University, 1966; PhD, 1972.
Bartholomew, Barbara G. (1981) Associate Professor of English. BA, University of Texas, 1957; MA, Tulane University, 1958; PhD, 1962.
Beauboeuf, Tamara M. (1998) Assistant Professor of Psychology. AB, Bryn Mawr College, 1990; MA, Cornell, 1992; EdD, Harvard University, 1997.
Becerra, Linda (1986) Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BA, University of Texas at Austin, 1971; MS, University of Houston, 1977; PhD, 1982.
Behan, Pamela (2000) Assistant Professor of Sociology. Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder, 1999; B.S., University of Kansas, 1971.
Beheshti, Moshen (1992) Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BS, University of Southwestern Louisiana, 1985; MS, 1986; PhD, 1992.
Belbot, Barbara (1996) Associate Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, Xavier University, 1974; JD, University of Houston, 1980; MPH, University of Texas Health Science Center, 1985; PhD, Sam Houston State University, 1995.
Berrached, Ali (1993) Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BS University of Texas, 1986; MS Pennsylvania State University, 1990; PhD, 1993.
Berry, John M. (1983) Associate Professor of Philosophy. BA, Divine Word College, 1953; PhB, Gregorian University, 1958; PhL, 1959; PhD, Catholic University of America, 1979.
Bhattacharjee, Maria P. (1996) Assistant Professor of Education. BA, Pedagogic Institute of Caracas Venezuela, 1974; MEd, University of Houston, 1977; EdD, University of Houston, 1995.
Birchak, Beatrice Christiana (1987) Associate Professor of English. BS, University of Houston, 1963; MA, Wayne State University, 1968; PhD, University of Houston, 1984.
Bizzell, Bobby G. (1989) Professor of Management. BBA, University of Texas at Austin, 1963; MBA, 1964; PhD, 1971.
Bradshaw, Kenneth R. (1997) Lecturer in Business Law and Petroleum Land Management. AA, San Jacinto College, 1972; BS, University of Houston-Downtown, 1987; JD, South Texas College of Law, 1990.
Brigman, William E. (1983) Professor of Political Science. BA, University of North Carolina, 1958; PhD, 1966.
Brown, Evelyn (1999) Assistant Professor of Education. BS, Texas Southern University, 1977; MS, Prairie View A&M, 1982; PhD, Ed. Admn., University of Southern Mississippi, 1997.

Canetti-Rios, Barbara (1990) Lecturer in English. BS, University of Houston-Downtown, 1989; MA, University of Houston, 1996.
Capeheart, John (1976) Professor of Biology. BS, East Texas State University, 1968; MS, 1969; PhD, Texas Tech University, 1974.
Cervenka, Mark (2000) Director of the OKane Gallery and Lecturer in Art. BA, University of Texas at Austin, 1983; BFA, 1985; MFA, Claremont Graduate University, 1987.
Chen, Irene (1998) Assistant Professor of Education. BA, National Taiwan University, 1987; MBA, 1989; MM, 1990; University of Dallas, EdD, University of Houston, 1998.
Cheng-Levine, Jia-yi (1997) Assistant Professor of English, BA, Tamkang University, Taiwan, 1989; MA, University of Georgia, 1993; PhD, Indiana University (Pennsylvania), 1997.
Chiaviello, Anthony (1999) Assistant Professor of English. AB, Oberlin College, 1976; MA, University of Denver, 1981; PhD, New Mexico State, 1998.
Christian, Garna L. (1962) Professor of History. BA, Mexico City College, 1959; MA, Texas Western College, 1961; PhD, Texas Tech University, 1978.
Christmas, Byron K. (1991) Associate Professor of Chemistry. BS, Murray State University, 1970; MS, University of Kentucky, 1976; PhD, 1978.
Clark, Margaret F. (1991) Lecturer in English. BA, California State University at Sonoma, 1973; MA, Purdue University, 1983.
Cmajdalka, Sandy, L. (1998) Instructor of Education. BA, Texas A&M University, 1991; MEd, 1992.
Coblentz, Linda J. (1981) Lecturer in English. BA, Oklahoma State University, 1966; MA, University of Houston, 1976.
Cohen, Myrna (2000) Assistant Professor of Education. University of Houston, EdD, 1993; M.Ed., 1998, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, BA, 1975.
Corrigan, Dagmar (1997) Lecturer in English. BA, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 1992; MA, 1996.
Creighton, Jane (1997) Assistant Professor of English. BA, Johnson College, University of Redlands, 1973; MA, University of Houston, 1991; PhD, Rice University, 1996.
Cuevas, Carmen (1996) Lecturer in Business Law and Senior Academic Advisor. BA, University of Texas at Austin 1973; JD, Boston College Law School, 1979.
Cuellar, Roxane (2000) Visiting Assistant Professor of Education. Texas A & M University, PhD in progress; M.Ed, 1993, B.S., 1990.
Cunningham, Merrilee A. (1975) Associate Professor of English. BA, Northwestern University, 1966; MA, Marshall University, 1970; PhD, Vanderbilt University, 1978.

Dahlberg, Sandra L. (1997) Assistant Professor of English. BA, University of Puget Sound, 1991; MA, University of Washington, 1993; PhD, 1997.
de Korvin, André (1987) Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BA, University of California, 1962; MA, 1963; PhD, 1967.
DeLaViña, Ermelinda (1997) Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BS University of Texas-Pan American 1989; MS, University of Houston, 1993; PhD, 1997.
Deeba, Elias Y. (1983) Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BS, American University of Beirut, Lebanon, 1971; MS, 1973; DA, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1977.
DeWitt, Jean M. (1987) Associate Professor of Speech. BA, University of Wisconsin, 1969; MA, University of Maryland, 1980; PhD, 1987.
Derrick, Donald H. (1968) Assistant Professor of Chemistry. AA, Blinn College, 1957; BS, University of Texas, 1959; MS, University of Houston, 1967.
DeVries, Peter (2000) Visiting Professor of CIS, PhD, University of Arkansas, 1994; MBA; Southwest Texas State University, 1987; BS, Texas A & M University, 1983.
Dressman, Michael R. (1982) Professor of English. AB, University of Detroit, 1967; MA, 1969; PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1974.
Driy, James A. (1977) Associate Professor of Chemistry. BA, Hope College, 1965; MS, Michigan Tech University, 1967; PhD, 1971.
Duangploy, Orapin (1987) Professor of Accounting. BA, Stephens College, 1971; MS, University of Missouri, 1972; PhD, 1977; CPA.
Durr, David W. (1995) Assistant Professor of Finance. BBA, University of Texas at Austin, 1982; MBA, Stephen F. Austin State University, 1985; PhD, University of North Texas, 1995.

Ebner, Stanley G. (1976) Associate Professor of Engineering Technology. BS, University of Nebraska, 1955; BS, University of Colorado, 1963; MS, 1964; PhD, 1967; PE
Efraty, David (1988) Professor of Management. BA, University of New Brunswick, 1965; MASc, University of Waterloo, 1968; PhD, Case Western University, 1975.
Elmore, Gail (2000) Lecturer. University of Houston, MA 1994; BA, 1988.
Engram, Peggy (1988) Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, BS, University of Houston, 1970; MA, Texas Southern University, 1973; Ph.D., University of Texas School of Public Health, 2000.
Evans, Gail S. M. (1980) Professor of Business Law. BA, Northwestern University, 1969; JD, University of Texas, 1972.

Fadely, Patricia A. (1988) Lecturer in English. BA, University of St. Thomas, 1968.
Fairbanks, James David (1976) Professor of Political Science. BA, Greenville College, 1968; MA, The Ohio State University, 1969; PhD, 1975.
Farnsworth, George Low (2000) Assistant Professor of Biology. BS, College of William and Mary, 1991; MS, University of Virginia; PhD, North Carolina State University, 1998.
Farris, Sara (1992) Associate Professor of English. BA, Eastern Illinois University, 1983; MA, 1985; PhD, Miami University, 1992.
Feng, Weining (1999) Associate Professor of Process Control. Beng, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, 1984; PhD, University of Strathclyde, UK, 1990.
Finch, Charlie B. (1997) Assistant Professor of Psychology. BA, Wake Forest University, 1989; MS, Old Dominion University, 1991; PhD, University of South Carolina, 1997.
Flosi, Jeffrey W. (1987) Associate Professor of Biology. BS, University of Texas at El Paso, 1973; MS, 1975; PhD, Iowa State University, 1980.
Foster, Johanna (1999) Instructor in Sociology. BA, American University, 1992: MA, 1994.
Franz, Harry J. (1986) Associate Professor of Electrical/ Electronics Engineering Technology. BSEE, University of Pittsburgh, 1972; MSEE, University of Pittsburgh, 1974; PE

Gad, Sangeeta (1986) Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences. MS, University of Bombay, 1970.
Garcia, Viola (1999) Instructor of Education. BS, Elementary Education, Texas Womans University, Denton, Texas, 1971; M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, University of Houston, 1974.
Getz, J. Greg (1997) Assistant Professor of Sociology. BA, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1968; PhD, University of Southern California, 1977.
Ghosh, Priti K (2000) Lecturer in Marketing. MBA, New York University, 1962.
Gilbert, William (1976) Associate Professor of English. BA, Washington and Lee University, 1966; MA, Duke University, 1967; PhD, 1974.
Glazier, Charles Robert (1999) Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice. BS, University of Houston, 1991; MEd, 1993; PhD, 1996.
Gomez-Rivas, Alberto (1991) Professor of Structural Analysis. BS, Javeriana University, Colombia, 1958; MS, University of Illinois; MA, Rice University, 1976; MS, PhD, University of Texas, 1968; PhD, Rice University, 1980; PE.
Gow, Margaret (1994) Lecturer in Accounting. BBA, University of Houston, 1968; MS University of Houston, 1976.
Grebowicz, Margret E. (2000) Instructor of Philosophy. M.A., Emory University, 1999; B.A., University of Texas at Austin, 1994.
Griffard, Phyllis B. (1999) Lecturer in Biology. BS, University of Southwestern Louisiana, 1983; MS, Purdue University; PhD, Louisiana State University, 1999.
Groendyke, Gilbert J. (1997) Assistant Professor of Process and Piping Design. BS, Lafayette College, 1968; MS, Louisiana State University, 1983; PE.
Gulati, Poonam (1997) Assistant Professor of Biology and Microbiology. BS, Cornell University, 1982; PhD, 1988.

Hagedorn, Geneva (1990) Associate Professor of Administrative Services Management. BS, University of Louisville, 1963; MAT, 1969; EdD, University of Kentucky, 1979.
Hagen, L. Kirk (1990) Associate Professor of Humanities. BA, University of New Mexico, 1980; MA, 1983; PhD, University of Illinois, 1989.
Hampton, George L., III (1976) Professor of Psychology. BS, Trinity College, 1963; MA, University of Arizona, 1966; PhD, 1969.
Haney, Kathleen M. (1986) Professor of Philosophy. BA, Northwestern University, 1968; MA, Tulane University, 1978; PhD, 1982.
Hanson, Gillian M. (1987) Lecturer in English. BA, University of Houston, 1979; MA, 1984; PhD, Somerset University, 1989.
Harned, Jon W. (1982) Professor of English. BA, Indiana University, 1970; PhD, University of Virginia, 1977.
Hashemi, Shohreh S. (1981) Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems. BS, Central State University, 1976; MEd, 1980.
Hill, Richard (1999) Lecturer in Criminal Justice. BS, Southwest Texas State University, 1964; MS, Eastern Kentucky University, 1973.
Hodgess, Erin (1994) Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BS, University of Dayton, 1981; MA, University of Pittsburgh, 1987; MS, Temple University, 1989; PhD, Temple University,1995.
Hoffmann-Pinther, Peter H. (1981) Professor of Physics. BS, St. Marys University, 1958; MS, Indiana University, 1964; PhD, Ohio University, 1973.
Hogan, Patrick T. (1999) Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems. BBA, Georgia State University, 1975; MS, University of Texas-Arlington, 1992; PhD. University of Texas-Arlington, 1994.
Hood, Beatrice C. (1997) Instructor of Urban Education. BA,Louisiana Tech University, 1967; MEd, Northeastern Oklahoma State University, 1983.
Hovsepian, Melissa (2000) Visiting Assistant Professor of History, Ph.D., University of Houston, 1996, M.A., 1992; B.A., 1988.
Hu, Chenyi (1990) Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BS, Anhui University, Hefei, China, 1977; MS, Southern Illinois University, 1987; PhD, University of Southwestern Louisiana, 1990.

Islam, Anisul (1990) Professor of Economics. BA, University of Dhaka, 1974; MA, 1975; MA, University of Waterloo, 1978; PhD, University of Alberta, 1985.

Jackson, Gary (1989) Professor of Marketing. BBA, University of Houston, 1968; MBA, Sam Houston State University, 1970; PhD, University of Arkansas, 1977.
Jakovich, Joyce (1996) Lecturer in Criminal Justice. BGS, University of Houston-Downtown, 1991; MA, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 1994.
Jarrett, Robert L. (1990) Associate Professor of English. BA, Abilene Christian University, 1980; MA, University of California at Riverside, 1982; PhD, 1988.
Jastre, Charles (1993) Lecturer in Management. BA, Rice University, 1968; MBA, Florida Institute of Technology, 1986; JD, University of Houston, 1973.
Jennings, Ann S. (1995) Assistant Professor of English. BA, University of Southwest Louisiana, 1965; MA, Florida State University, 1966; PhD, 1973.
Johnson, Madeline (1983) Associate Professor of Marketing. BA, University of Texas, 1973; JD, 1976; PhD, University of Houston, 1993.
Johnson, Molly (2001) Instructor of English. BA, University of St. Thomas, 1994; MA, Texas A&M University, 1996.
Johnson, Robert J. (1996) Assistant Professor of Education. BA, University of Texas at El Paso, 1969; MEd, 1989; PhD, Texas A & M University, 1997.
Jones, Dan R. (1985) Associate Professor of English. BJ, University of Texas, 1975; BA, 1975; MA, Rice University, 1975; MA, University of Iowa, 1982; PhD, 1984.
Jones, Etta M. (1995) Assistant Professor of Administrative Management. BS, North Carolina Central University, 1955; MA, New York University, 1958; EdD, University of Houston, 1983.

Kanter, Susan (1996) Lecturer in Reading. BA, University of Massachusetts, 1980; MA, University of Houston, 1993.
Kaser, Karen C. (1996) Assistant Professor of Administrative Management. AAS, San Jacinto College, 1980; BS, 1989, University of Houston, MS, 1990; PhD, University of Nebraska-Lincoln,1996.
Kauffman, Ralph G. (1996) Assistant Professor of Management. BS, Lehigh University; MBA, Northwestern University, 1963; PhD, University of Texas at Dallas, 1993.
Kellar, Charles Mark (2000) Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, BS, University of Houston, 1968; MA, Sam Houston State University, 1974; Ph.D. Texas A & M, 1979.
Kendall, G. Yvonne (1994) Associate Professor of Music. BS, Austin Peay State University, 1976; MM, New England Conservatory, 1981; DMA, Stanford University, 1985.
Key, Shirley G. (1996) Assistant Professor of Education. BA, Gustavus Adolphus College, 1971; MEd, Texas Southern University, 1982; EdD, University of Houston, 1995.
Kinloch, Valerie (2000) Assistant Professor of English. BA, Johnson C. Smith University, 1996; MA, Wayne State University, 1998; PhD, 2000.
Kistenberg, Cindy J. (1992) Associate Professor of Speech Communication. BA, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1986; MA, 1988; PhD, Louisiana State University, 1992.
Krupp, Ethan H. (2000) Assistant Professor of Drama. BA, Washington and Lee University, 1997; MFA, University of Montana, 2000.
Kuzmick, A. J. Branden (1989) Lecturer in Reading. BA, Marywood College, 1977; MS, 1982.

Leavins, Johnny R. (1978) Professor of Accounting. BBA, Lamar State College, 1968; MBA, Lamar University, 1972; PhD, University of Houston, 1987; CPA.
Leveille, Nancy (1996) Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences. BA, Bridgewater State University, 1976; MA, Boston University, 1974.
Linklater, Thomas B. (1965) Assistant Professor of History. BS, University of Houston, 1958; MA, 1966.
Loftin, R. Bowen (1977) Professor of Physics. BS, Texas A&M University, 1970; MA, Rice University, 1973; PhD, 1975.
London, Steven (1982) Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BSE, University of Michigan, 1965; MSSE, University of Illinois, 1969; PhD, University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1976.
Long, Lydia (1999) Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice. BS, Central Missouri State University, 1989; MS, 1990; PhD, Sam Houston State University, 1997.
Lyons, Philip (1995) Assistant Professor of Biology. BS, Stephen F. Austin University, 1978; MS, Texas A&M University, 1981; PhD, University of Georgia, 1985.
Lyttle, Thomas J. (1976) Associate Professor of Drama. BA, University of Akron, 1963; MA, 1968; PhD, Bowling Green State University, 1974.

MacGregor, Cherylynn (2000) Lecturer in Anthropology. University of Houston, BA, 1990, MA, 1994.
McCaffrey, James M. (1989) Associate Professor of History. AA, Springfield Junior College, 1968; BS, University of Missouri at Rolla, 1970; ME, University of Houston, 1974; MA, 1987; PhD, 1990.
McCullough, Deanna (1983) Assistant Professor of Biology. BS, Oklahoma Christian College, 1967; MS, Oklahoma State University, 1968; PhD, 1972.
Maranville, Stephen J. (1999) Assistant Professor in Management, BA, Brigham Young University, 1982; MBA, Brigham Young University, 1986; Ph.D., University of Utah, 1994.
Marvasti, Akbar (1990) Associate Professor of Economics. BS, Rasht University, 1974; MBA, Louisiana State University, 1979; PhD, 1985.
Merrill, Glen K. (1982) Professor of Geology. BS, Ohio University, 1957; MA, University of Texas, 1964; PhD, Louisiana State University, 1968.
Merkle, Larry D. (1998) Assistant Professor of Physics. BS, Oklahoma State University, 1974; MS, 1976; PhD, 1978.
Middleton, Jennie (1997) Assistant Professor of Urban Education, BS, University of Houston, 1977; MEd, University of Houston, 1979; EdD, Texas Southern University, 1994.
Mitchell, David L. (1999) Assistant Professor in Management. BS, Florida State University, 1974; MS, University of North Texas, 1994; PhD, 1998.
Montgomery, Tyra L. (1994) Associate Professor of Chemistry. BS, Southwest Texas State University, 1982; MS, 1984; PhD, University of Houston, 1991.
Moosally, Michelle J. (1998) Assistant Professor of English. BS, Mankato State University, 1991; MA, University of Texas at Austin, 1994; PhD, 1998.
Morris-Smith, Penny (1988) Assistant Professor of Biology and Geology. BS, California State University, 1964; MA, San Francisco State University, 1972; PhD, University of California, Berkley, 1975.
Mosier, M. Patricia (1982) Associate Professor of Spanish. BA, West Virginia University, 1970; MA, University of Wisconsin, 1972; PhD, 1979.
Mrak, Norma A. (2000) Instructor of Spanish. BS, University of Houston, 1984; MA, 1996.
Mullinnix, Debra (1998) Assistant Professor of Education. BS, Texas A&M, 1976; MEd, University of Houston; EdD, 1997.

Nadler-Blumberg, Bonnie (1994) Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences. BS, University of Texas at Austin, 1983; MEd, University of Texas at El Paso, 1987.
Nakamura, Mitsue (1988) Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences. BS, University of Houston, 1985; MS, 1987.
Nandagopal, N. S. (1981) Associate Professor of Engineering Technology. BS, University of Mysore, 1978; MS, University of California at Santa Barbara, 1980.
Nazemzadeh, Asghar (1989) Professor of Economics. BA, Pahlavi University, 1972; MA, University of Houston, 1978; PhD, Florida State University, 1983.
Nelson, Ann D. (2000) Instructor of English. BA, University of Texas at Austin, 1981; MA, University of Texas/Pan American, 1986.
Newsum, Floyd Elbert, Jr. (1976) Professor of Art. BFA, Memphis Academy of Arts, 1973; MFA, Tyler School of Arts, Temple University, 1975.
Nguyen, Vien (1990) Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences. BS, Lamar University, 1988; MS, 1990.

Oberhoff, Kenneth E. (1974) Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BA, Texas A&M University, 1965; MS, University of Houston, 1968; PhD, 1973.
Omer, Khursheed (1991) Associate Professor of Accounting. B. Com., University of Karachi, 1962; MBA 1964; MBA, University of Southern California, 1965; DBA, Memphis State University, 1990; CPA.
ONeil, Rory M. (1988) Associate Professor of Biology. BS, University of Texas at Austin, 1978; MA, 1979; PhD, 1985.

Padilla, Edwin (1994) Lecturer in Spanish. BA, University of Puerto Rico, 1979; MA, University of Texas at El Paso, 1982.
Paige, Susan (2000) Lecturer in Education. University of St. Thomas, BA, 1974, University of Houston, MEd, 1982.
Parham, Mary Gomez (1985) Associate Professor of Spanish. BA, Dominican College, 1969; MA, New York University in Madrid, 1970; PhD, University of California at Los Angeles, 1979.
Pavletich, JoAnn (1995) Assistant Professor of English. BA, Southeastern Louisiana University, 1988; MA, University of Texas at Austin, 1990; PhD, 1995.
Pelaez, Rolando (1986) Associate Professor of Finance. BS, Louisiana State University, 1962; MA, 1964; PhD, University of Houston, 1973.
Pelz, Mary Elizabeth (1988) Associate Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, Stephen F. Austin State University, 1974; MA, 1976; PhD, Sam Houston State University, 1988.
Penkar, Samuel H. (1984) Associate Professor of Finance. MM, American Graduate School of International Management, 1976. DBA, Mississippi State University, 1984.
Phelan, Lynn S. (1992) Instructor of Criminal Justice. BA, Sam Houston State University, 1989; MA, 1992.
Phelps, David Gene (1994) Lecturer in Accounting. BBA, Baylor University, 1962; MBA, Sam Houston State University, 1993.
Pincus, George (1996) Professor of Engineering Technology. BS, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1959; MS, 1960; PhD, Cornell University, 1963; MBA, University of Houston, 1974; PE.

Read, Lisa (1998) Instructor of English. BS, Texas A&M, 1979; MEd, Prairie View A&M, 1988.
Rebhun, Herbert F. (1977) Professor of Computer Information Systems. BBA, University of Pittsburgh, 1955; ML, 1956; PhD, Florida State University, 1974.
Rizzo, Sergio (1995) Associate Professor of English. BA, University of California at Berkeley, 1986; MA, University of California at Riverside, 1988; PhD, 1993.
Robbins, Ruth R. (1980) Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems. BBA, Texas Southern University, 1971; MBA, University of Houston, 1974; EdD, 1986.
Robinson, David (1962) Assistant Professor of Political Science. BS, Midwestern University, 1957; MEd, 1960.
Rodriguez, Dennis M. (1976) Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BA, University of South Florida, 1965; MA, University of California at Riverside, 1966; PhD, 1969.
Rosenthal-Simmons, Anna (1991) Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences. BS, University of Houston, 1987; MS, Texas A&M University, 1988; MBA, University of Houston, 1990.
Roubicek, Henry L. (1983) Professor of Speech Communication. BA, The Ohio State University, 1974; MA, Purdue University, 1976; EdD, University of Maryland, 1983.
Rubin-Trimble, Carolyn (1999) Lecturer in Reading. BA, University of Houston, 1970; MEd, 1991.
Ruthstrom, Carl R. (1990) Associate Professor of Management. BS, West Texas State University, 1965; MS, University of Northern Colorado, 1979; PhD, University of Texas at Austin, 1986. CPM.

Santos, Adolfo (1997) Assistant Professor of Political Science. BGS, University of Houston-Downtown, 1990; PhD, University of Houston, 1998.
Schmertz, Johanna (2000) Instructor of English. BA, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1983; MA, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1990.
Serrett, Keith R. (1999) Assistant Professor of Accounting, BS, Louisiana State University, 1973; MS, University of Houston, 1983; Ph.D., University of Houston, 1986.
Sheinberg, Edward R. (1978) Assistant Professor of Engineering Technology. BS, Lamar University, 1968; ME, 1968; MME, University of Houston, 1971.
Shelley, Deborah B. (1993) Associate Professor of Speech Communication. BA, University of North Carolina, 1972; MA, San Francisco State University, 1974; PhD, Louisiana State University, 1976.
Shelton, Margaret L. (1989) Associate Professor of Accounting. BA, Rice University, 1971; MBA, University of Houston, 1980; PhD, 1986; CPA.
Shipley, Margaret F. (1987) Associate Professor of Management. BS, Salisbury State College, 1969; MSIE, University of Pittsburgh, 1980; PhD, 1986.
Sikka, Anjoo (1994) Associate Professor of Education. BA, Maharaja Sayajirao University, India, 1983; MA, 1985; PhD, Mississippi State University, 1991.
Simeonov, Plamen (1999) Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences, MS, Sofia State University, 1992; PhD, University of South Florida, 1997.
Sirisaengtaksin, Ongard (1986) Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BSc, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 1976; ME, Lamar University, 1979; MS, 1981; PhD, University of Texas at Arlington, 1986.
Slough, Scott (2000) Assistant Professor Biology and Chemistry. BS, Stephen F. Austin State University, 1982; MEd, Sam Houston State Universityi, 1992; MS, 1994; EdD, University of Houston, 1998.
Smith, Charles (1987) Professor of Finance. BS, McNeese State University, 1974; MBA, University of New Orleans, 1975; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1984.
Smith, Charlotte (2000) Lecturer. University of Houston-Clear Lake, MA, 1988; University of Houston-Downtown, BS, 1986.
Solomon, Frankie (1993) Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences. BA, Grambling State University, 1971; MS, Texas Southern University, 1989.
Spears, Larry G. (1976) Professor of Chemistry. BS, University of Southwestern Louisiana, 1961; MS, 1963; PhD, University of Texas, 1966.
Spilger, Ursula (1990) Associate Professor of Business Law. BA, University of California at Berkeley, 1962; JD, University of Idaho, 1974; MBA, Boise State University, 1983; LLM, University of Houston, 1991.
Stanberry, Kurt (1996) Associate Professor of Business Law. BBA, Yale University, 1972; MBA, Temple University, 1974; JD, University of Houston, 1977.
Strain, Charles R. (1995) Assistant Professor of Marketing. BBA, University of Mississippi, 1974; MBA University of Southern Mississippi, 1982; DBA, Mississippi State University, 1994.
Sullivan, M. Nell (1996) Assistant Professor of English. BA, Vanderbilt University, 1986; MA, Rice University, 1989; PhD, 1995.

Taylor, Felicia (2000) Instructor of Education. MEd, University of Florida, 1988; BS, 1988.
Thacker-Kumar, Leena (1993) Associate Professor of Political Science. MA, Miami University (Ohio), 1988; PhD, 1993.
Tharp, Douglas (1976) Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BA, Rice University, 1960; MST, Rutgers University, 1969; MS, East Texas State University, 1986.
Thielemann, Jane (1991) Instructor of Education. BS, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 1978; MA, University of Houston, 1991.
Thomas, Lorenzo (1987) Professor of English. BA, Queens College (City University of New York), 1967.
Thomas, Tammis (1995) Assistant Professor of English. BA, University of Texas at Austin, 1984; MA, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1989; PhD, 1995.
Turner, Elizabeth Hayes (1991) Associate Professor of History. BA, University of Redlands, 1967; MA, East Texas State University, 1969; PhD, Rice University, 1990.
Turski, Jacek (1990) Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BS University of Warsaw, Poland, 1976; MS, McGill University, 1982; PhD, 1986.

Uzman, Akif J. (1997) Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Biology. BS, University of Michigan, 1975; MS, 1976; PhD, University of California-Berkley, 1983.

Vaden-Goad, Linda (1990) Associate Professor of Psychology. BS, University of Houston, 1975; MA, 1987; PhD, 1990.
Van Horn, Leigh (2000) Assistant Professor of Education. University of Houston, PhD, 2000; BS, 1992; University of Houston-Clear Lake, MS, 1995.
Vobach, Carol (1969) Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BA, Marymount College, 1962; MA, University of North Carolina, 1965; EdD, University of Houston, 1984.

Wadhwa, Darshan L. (1984) Associate Professor of Accounting. BS, KGK College, Moradabad, India, 1964; MS, Roorkee University, Roorkees, India, 1967; MBA, Louisiana Tech University, 1972; DBA, 1988; CPA.
Waldner, Lisa (1993) Associate Professor of Sociology. BA, Mankato State University,1985; MA; 1987; PhD, Iowa State University, 1992.
Waller, William A. (1983) Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences. AA, Eastfield College, 1978; BS, North Texas State University, 1981; MS, 1983. PhD, University of Houston, 1989.
Walsh, Robert T. (1976) Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice. BS, Michigan State University, 1970; MS, Eastern Kentucky University, 1974.
Wanguri, Deloris McGee (1984) Associate Professor of Speech Communication. BA, University of Houston, 1973; MA, 1975; PhD, University of Texas at Austin, 1984.
Westerfelhaus, Robert (1999) Assistant Professor of Speech Communication. BA, Ohio Dominican College, 1994: MA, Ohio University, 1996, PhD, 1999.
Williams, Marvin J. (1988) Associate Professor of Accounting. BBA, University of Houston, 1980; MBA, 1982; JD, 1986; CPA, CMA.
Williams, Patrick S. (1990) Associate Professor of Psychology. BS, Michigan State University, 1971; MEd, Northeastern University, 1974; PhD, Texas Tech University, 1987.
Wilson, John U. (1989) Associate Professor of History. BS, Northern Illinois University, 1967; MA, 1969; EdD, 1978.
Wilson, Robert G. (1991) Director of the UHD Civic Jazz Orchestra and Lecturer in English. BA, Sam Houston State University, 1969; MA, 1970.
Woods, Molly R. (1961) Professor of Administrative Services Management. BA, Sam Houston State University, 1959; MEd, 1961; EdD, University of Houston, 1985.
Woods-Stellman, Donna (1997). Assistant Professor of Urban Education. BA, Louisiana Tech University, 1975; Med, Louisiana State University, 1988; EdD, Oklahoma State University, 1992.

Xie, Shishen (1990) Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences. BS, East China Normal University, China, 1982; MS, Texas Tech University, 1987; PhD, 1990.

Yoon, Jeong-Mi (1999) Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences, BS, Seoul National University, 1981; BS, Seoul National University, 1984 MS, Seoul National University, 1986; MS, University of California, 1991; PhD, University of California, 1999.

Zafiris, Vasilis (1999) Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences, BS, Mississippi State, 1984; MS, Mississippi State, 1987; PhD, University of Houston, 1996.
Ziemer, Heidi E. (1999) Assistant Professor of Psychology. BA, California State University, Long Beach, 1991; MA, Rice University, 1998; PhD, 1999.
Professors Emeriti
Eckles, Robert (1984) Professor Emeritus of Marketing.
Fefer, Jean A. (1981) Associate Professor Emeritus of Chemistry.
Franks, Nicholas (1979) Assistant Professor Emeritus of English.
Freeman, Marjorie S. (1961) Assistant Professor Emerita of Mathematics.
Hebert, Mary Margaret (1977) Associate Professor Emerita of Administrative Services Management.
James, L. Frank, Associate Professor of Psychology Emeritus (Deceased).
Levy, Sylvia S. (1958) Associate Professor Emerita of English and Philosophy.
McNeill, I. Eugene (1984) Professor Emeritus of Accounting.
Miller, Jon, Associate Professor Emeritus of English (Deceased).
Price, Frank E. (1964) Assistant Professor Emeritus of Biology.
Robinson, W. Clyde (1982) Associate Professor Emeritus of Business Law.
Rooney, Walter (1976) Associate Professor Emeritus of Management.
Scalamogna, Don, Associate Professor Emeritus of Business. (Deceased).
Sherman, Ruth (1975) Professor Emerita of Biology.
Small, Jo Ann (1975) Associate Professor Emerita of Psychology.
Suits, Marvin, Assistant Professor Emeritus of Business and Commerce (Deceased).
Tinkler, James C. (1983) Professor Emeritus of Petroleum Land Management.
Tyson, Martha H. (1968) Associate Professor Emerita of Psychology.
Umland, Jean B. (1981) Associate Professor Emerita of Chemistry.
Wathen, L. James (1962) Assistant Professor Emeritus of Arts and Humanities.
Wilkinson, Edward S., Sr. (1969) Associate Professor Emeritus of Purchasing.
Williams, Raymond J. (1963) Assistant Professor Emeritus of History.
Wood, June P. (1960) Professor Emerita of Mathematics.
Wright, Ray G. (1966) Professor Emeritus of Philosophy.