English Language Arts and Reading 4 credits
English I
English II
English III
English IV
Mathematics 3 credits
Algebra I
Algebra II
Science 3 credits
Integrated Physics and Chemistry
Biology, AP Biology, or IB Biology
Chemistry, AP Chemistry, or IB Chemistry
Physics, Principles of Technology I, AP Physics, or IB Physics
Social Studies 3-1/2 credits
World History Studies
World Geography Studies
U.S. History Studies Since Reconstruction
U.S. Government (1/2 credit)
Economics 1/2 credit
Physical Education 1-1/2 credits
Foundations of Personal Fitness (1/2 credit)
Health Education (1/2 credit)
Health Science Technology
Languages Other Than English 2 credits or 3* credits
Level I
Level II
Level III*
Fine Arts 1 credit
Select from Art IIV, Dance IIV, Music IIV, or Theater IIV
Speech 3 credits
Select from Communication Applications, Speech Communication, Public Speaking, Debate, or Oral Interpretation.
Technology Applications 1 credit
Additional Components 3-1/2 credits or *2-1/2 credits
Electives 1 credit
One credit is equivalent to a one-year course.
A variety of other courses not listed here, including developmental and remediation courses, are not acceptable for the college preparatory program.