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Nationally used standardized examinations are administered through Testing Services; all other examinations are administered through the responsible department. If credit is not awarded, a period of six months must elapse before application for re-examination will be considered. Appropriate fees are charged for each examination. No student may attempt the exam for a particular course more than twice. Credit may be granted for professional certification and training received from armed forces and service schools. With consent of the appropriate dean, the chair of the department in which the student is majoring will make the decision concerning the applicability of such courses to the degree program. Credit received by examination does not fulfill residency requirements for graduation. No grade is awarded for courses for which credit has been obtained by exam, nor are hours received for such courses included in the calculation of grade point average for graduation. Listed below are the subject examinations for the Advanced Placement Program and the College Level Examination Program (CLEP).
Examinations | ![]() |
UHD Equivalent Course |
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Minimum Grade |
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Semester Hours |
Biology | BIOL 1301/1101 BIOL 1301/1101; 1302/1102 |
3 or 4 5 |
4 8 |
Chemistry | CHEM 1307/1107 CHEM 1307/1107; 1308/1108 |
3 or 4 5 |
4 8 |
Computer Science A | CS 1410 | 3 | 4 | |||
English-Language and Composition | ENG 1301 | 3 | 3 | |||
English-Literature and Composition | ENG 1302 | 3 | 3 | |||
MathematicsCalculus AB | MATH 2401 | 3 | 4 | |||
MathematicsCalculus BC | MATH 2401 | 3 | 4 | |||
Physics B | PHYS 1307/1107 PHYS 1307/1107; 1308/1108 |
3 or 4 5 |
4 8 |
Physics C (Mechanics) | 3 | 4 | ||||
Physics C (Electricity and Magnetism) | 3 | 4 | ||||
Psychology | PSY 1303 | 3 | 3 | |||
Spanish | SPAN 2301 and 2302 |
Spanish | SPAN 2301, 2302, 3301 |
Subject Examination
(Credit Hours)
UHD Equivalence
American Government
(3) POLS 2304
American Literature
(6) ENG 2311/2312
Analyzing and Interpreting English Literature
(3) Sophomore literature
College Algebra
(3) Math 1301
College French
(8) FREN 1401/1402
College Level Spanish Language
(8) SPAN 1401/1402
English Literature
(6) ENG 2313/2314
Freshman College Composition
(3) ENG 1301
General Biology
(4) Biology
General Chemistry
(4) Chemistry
History of the United States I
(3) HIST 1305
History of the United States II
(3) HIST 1306
Human Growth and Development
(3) PSY 2310
Information Systems and Computer Applications
(3) CIS 1301
Introductory Psychology
(3) PSY 1303
Introductory Sociology
(3) SOC 1303
Principles of Accounting
(6) ACC 2301/2302
Principles of Macroeconomics
(3) ECO 2301
Principles of Microeconomics
(3) ECO 2302
(3) MATH 1302
Western Civilization I
(3) HUM/SOS Elective credit
Western Civilization II
(3) HUM/SOS Elective credit
A directed studies course allows students to work directly with a faculty member on an individual basis. This type of study is intended to expand the curriculum and may not duplicate an organized course. A directed studies course requires a term paper, research study or comparable project.
Students wishing to enroll in a directed studies course must be juniors or seniors and have a grade point average of at least 3.0, with a grade point average of at least 3.3 in the specific area of the directed studies course.
Procedures for enrolling in directed studies courses are available in each academic department. Degree requirements may limit the number of hours of directed studies which may be applied.
To audit a course is to enroll in a course on a noncredit basis. Students wishing to audit courses should contact the Office of Admissions and Records. Students auditing courses pay regular tuition and all other applicable fees as set forth in this Catalog.
A change to credit status may not be made after the student has registered to audit a course. Changes from credit status to audit status in a course must be made prior to the end of the official day of record.
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The Academic Honesty Code is embraced by all members of the University of Houston-Downtown academic community and is an essential element of the institutions academic credibility. Academic honesty is the cornerstone of the academic integrity of the university. It is the foundation upon which the student builds personal integrity and establishes a standard of personal behavior. The honesty policy is designed to encourage honest behavior and is jointly administered by faculty and students.
The Honesty Code is the universitys standard of honesty. It states: WE WILL BE HONEST IN ALL OUR ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES AND WILL NOT TOLERATE DISHONESTY.
The Academic Honesty Policy is designed to address, in a uniform manner, cases of alleged violation of the Honesty Code.
It is each students responsibility to read and understand UH-Downtowns policy on Academic Honesty. For specific information contact the Student Affairs Office.
The following grades are included in the calculation of grade point averages:
Grade | ![]() |
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Grade Points | |
A | Superior | 4.0 | ||
B | Above Average | 3.0 | ||
C | Average | 2.0 | ||
D | Below Average | 1.0 | ||
F | Failure | 0.0 |
The following grades are not included in the calculation of grade point averages:
Grade | ![]() |
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A* | Non-credit grade | |||
B* | Non-credit grade | |||
C* | Non-credit grade | |||
I | Incomplete | |||
IP | In Progress | |||
Aud | Audit | |||
S | Satisfactory (passing) | |||
U | Unsatisfactory (not passing) | |||
W | Withdraw |
An incomplete grade is only when an unforeseen emergency prevents a student from completing the course work and only with the instructors approval. A grade of I will be changed to a passing grade if the missing work is completed satisfactorily by the deadline set by the instructor and no later than before the end of the long semester immediately following the term in which the grade was received. An incomplete grade that is not removed by this deadline becomes an F.
Repetition of a course for which an incomplete grade was received does not affect resolution of the original grade.
An incomplete grade earned in a students graduating semester is computed as an F in determining grade point average.
The grade of IP (In Progress) may be given in some developmental courses and the Writing Proficiency Exam. In the calculation of grade point average, a grade of IP is treated as a W. To receive credit for a course in which an IP was assigned, a student must register for the course again and earn a passing grade.
The grade of S (Satisfactory Passing) may be earned in field experience courses and certain other courses. Credit received with a grade of S is not part of the grade point average calculation.
Students will not receive a grade if they withdraw from a course within the first 12 days of classes during a long term or within the first four days of classes during a summer term.
Students automatically receive a grade of W for any course from which they withdraw after the dates specified above but before the end of Thursday of the 10th week during a long term and Thursday of the fourth week during a summer term.
Withdrawal deadlines are published in the academic calendar found in the Class Schedule.
Note: Class days are defined as days on which the university has one or more classes scheduled; not the days for which a particular student is scheduled for his/her particular classes.
The grade point average is a measure of the level of a students academic achievement. Grade point averages are computed by multiplying the grade point value by the number of credit hours in each course, and then dividing the sum of all grade points obtained by the total number of hours attempted.
This formula represents the method of computing grade point average:
= Grade Point Average |
The number of grade points earned for each course equals the hour credit value of the course multiplied by the points awarded for grades received. Grades of I (Incomplete), S (Satisfactory), U (Unsatisfactory), IP (In Progress) and grades marked with an asterisk (*) are not counted in the calculation of the grade point average, except for graduation. Grades of I will be calculated as F grades in determining grade point average for graduation.
Students must meet a graduation requirement of a minimum
2.0 grade point average calculated on all grades earned at
UH-Downtown. Some departments may specify more stringent requirements, such as a 2.5 grade point average in the major or a 2.5 grade point average in all upper-level courses.
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Any grade which a student believes to be in error should be appealed in the following order: first to the instructor, then to the appropriate department chair, and finally to the appropriate dean. If an appeal is not made within one calendar year after the close of the semester in which the grade was received, the grade will be considered final and no appeal will be heard.
The Deans List recognizes students who have achieved superior academic performance during the fall or spring semester. To be included on the Deans List for a specific semester, a student must, during that semester, complete at least nine semester hours of college-level work, earn at least a 3.5 grade point average, and receive no grade of I or F. The Deans List is published by the Provosts Office at the end of each fall and spring semester.
Students who complete degree requirements with exceptionally high grade point averages receive degrees with honors. Those who earn a cumulative grade point average of 3.754.00 graduate summa cum laude, while a cumulative grade point average of 3.503.74 is required for magna cum laude. A grade point average of 3.253.49 is needed to graduate cum laude. In the computation of this average, all courses attempted at UH-Downtown are counted, including courses repeated, failed and passed, but excluding courses with grades of S, W or IP.
For candidates who complete some portion of their college work at other institutions, the cumulative grade point average of all work attempted at UH-Downtown and the grade point average of all college work is computed; the lower of the two averages is used as the basis for determining honors.
Students not eligible for cum laude, magna cum laude or summa cum laude honors may be eligible for College Honors. Students who have earned a GPA of 3.50 or greater in their last 60 hours attempted at UH-Downtown, including at least 30 upper-level hours, are eligible to receive the designation, College Honors.
Academic probation is a warning to the student that his or her academic record has been unsatisfactory. A student who is not making satisfactory progress toward meeting graduation requirements may be placed on academic suspension if this record does not improve.
A student is placed on academic probation at the end of any term (Fall, Spring, Summer I and Summer II combined) in which his or her cumulative GPA falls below the specified minimum cumulative GPA shown below. The cumulative GPA for academic probation and suspension is computed on all grades earned at UH-Downtown. Grades of I, IP, S or W are not counted.
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Semester Hours | ![]() |
Minimum Required Cumulative GPA |
129 | 1.70 | ||
3059 | 1.90 | ||
60 or more, or upon declaration of a major | 2.00 |
Transfer students on suspension from their most recent institution of higher education will be placed on academic probation if admitted to UH-Downtown.
Students will remain on academic probation until their cumulative GPA reaches the specified minimum cumulative GPA or until they are suspended. Only courses taken at UH-Downtown may be counted in removing a student from academic probation.
Suspension means that a student is ineligible to register for classes.
Students on academic probation will be suspended at the end of any term their cumulative GPA falls below the specified minimum cumulative GPA unless they earn a minimum GPA of 2.0 in that term.
A students first academic suspension will become effective at the beginning of the next term and will remain in effect for that term only. The student may be granted earlier readmission at the discretion of the students academic dean or the deans designated representative.
The second time a student is placed on academic suspension, the length of the suspension will be indefinite. The student may be considered for readmission after one term and only upon appeal to the students academic dean or the deans designated representative.
The third time a student is placed on academic suspension, the suspension will be permanent. Any appeals for readmission following a permanent suspension must be initiated at the academic deans office. The final decision rests with the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost.
After a four-year absence, a student returning to UH-Downtown may petition his or her academic dean for academic amnesty. To be eligible, the student must not have attended any institution of higher education for the four-year period immediately preceding readmission to UH-Downtown. In addition, the student also must complete 24 semester credit hours with a minimum grade point average of 2.5 following readmission. The amnesty provision applies only to the application of credit toward a degree and computation of the students grade point average. No grades on the students permanent record are altered or deleted.
If academic amnesty is granted, all courses with grades of F or D earned prior to readmission are ignored in applying credit toward fulfillment of degree requirements and in future computations of the students grade point average. A student granted academic amnesty relinquishes all rights to graduation with honors and any other academic recognition based on grade point average.
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A student wishing to take advantage of Fresh Start or readmission may apply only at the time of initial application or readmission at the Office of Admissions and Records.
Effective Spring 1995, when a course is repeated, the last grade received in the course will be used in computing the grade point average.
Requests for official or student copies of transcripts are made with the Office of Admissions and Records. Requests may be made in person, in writing, or by fax.
UHD has a policy in conformity with the Family Rights and Privacy Act covering the release of student records. Under this law, UHD is permitted to release what is known as directory information without your consent unless you request in writing that we do not. Directory information at UHD may include your address, telephone number, dates of attendance, major field of study, degrees earned and full- or part-time status. The most common requests for directory information come from potential employers, lending agencies and others wanting to verify your enrollment or degree.
You may request that your information not be made available to the public by contacting the Office of Admissions and Records, 350-S, at any time during the semester. It is important that you understand, however, that requesting confidentiality applies to all requests. This means, for instance, that a creditor or employer to whom you have reported enrollment or degree information will be unable to verify that information.
Any change in name or address must be reported to the Office of Admissions and Records. Name changes must be supported by legal documentation.
For degree completion, at least 25 percent of the semester credit hours must be earned through instruction offered by UH-Downtown.
In addition to completion of specific degree requirements, all students must meet the requirements described below. The final 30 semester credit hours of course work toward the degree must be taken at the University of Houston-Downtown. At least 18 of these hours must be in the upper division and be approved by the students major department. Only the appropriate academic dean may waive any portion of these requirements and only upon petition by a student who has extraordinary reasons.
A minimum grade point average of 2.0 calculated on all grades earned at UH-Downtown is required for graduation. In addition, a grade point average of 2.0 is required for all courses taken at UH-Downtown which apply toward the degree.
Students enrolled in any degree program at the University of Houston-Downtown who wish to take courses at another college or university (including any other institution in the UH System) and apply the credits toward the degree should consult with their degree program officer to be sure the courses apply to their degree program. A student taking courses under these provisions is responsible for having an official transcript from the second campus forwarded to the Office of Admissions and Records at UH-Downtown. The student also must request that an official evaluation of this transcript be made and reported to the appropriate degree program officer.
A student usually graduates under the degree provisions of the catalog in effect at the time of his first completed term of enrollment; where enrollment is defined as registration for and completion of at least one course. Students have the option of graduating under the catalog in effect at the time of their major declaration or any subsequent catalog. If degree requirements change during the time of the students enrollment, the student may be required to meet the new degree requirements if the number of hours the student must take has not increased.
Any student who plans to graduate from the University of Houston-Downtown must file an application for graduation with the degree granting college and with the Office of Admissions and Records. Deadlines for filing applications and paying fees are announced in the calendar published in each Class Schedule. A one-time graduation fee is required at the time of filing the application. If the student does not complete the requirements for the degree, application procedures must be repeated..
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Only students who complete all degree requirements and file an application for graduation with the degree-granting college and the Office of Admissions and Records may participate in the commencement exercises. The final decision on eligibility for graduation and participation in commencement exercises rests with the appropriate academic dean.
Students graduating with honors are so designated in the commencement program and wear special insignia with their academic regalia. Designation of honors for May and December graduates reflects only grades earned prior to the final semester. Designation of final honors on the transcript and diploma, however, is based on all work attempted.
Arrangements for obtaining academic regalia may be made through the university bookstore. Deadlines for ordering and paying for regalia are announced for each commencement.
To qualify for a second UH-Downtown bachelors degree, the candidate must: