Student Parking
Student parking is available at UH-Downtown in three different areas: Daly Street Lot (North Main and Daly), Shea Street Lot (North Main and Shea) and Naylor Street Lot (North Main and Naylor). Shuttle bus service is available from the Daly Street Lot, providing service at regular intervals to the One Main Building. (See Campus Map.)
Students who park in any UH-Downtown parking lot are required to register their vehicles with the Parking Office and obtain a permit to display on the vehicle. The university reserves the right to control the availability of student parking areas to meet the demand for parking for special events. The parking fee is subject to change by the Board of Regents.
Dining Facilities
Dining facilities are located on the third floor of the new Academic Building. The food court offers home-cooked entrees, pre-packaged salads, and deli sandwiches plus name brand items such as Dunkin Donuts and Otis Spunkmeyer cookies and muffins. There are five fast food franchises, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Burger King Express, Little Kim Son, and Subway Sandwiches. The coffeehouse features a variety of specialty coffees and granitas.
The university bookstore is housed in the One Main Building. It offers new and used textbooks, academic trade and reference titles, school supplies, clothing and insignia items, and computer software. Also available are greeting cards, snacks, postage stamps, health and beauty aids, and magazines.
OKane Gallery
The Harry W. OKane Gallery, established in 1970, was made possible by gifts from Harry W. OKane, Mary W. Bingman, and the Humphreys Foundation. Gallery Director Ann Trask and the OKane Gallery Task Force select five to six exhibitions annually of artworks by emerging and established artists, exhibitions that serve the diverse interests of the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Houston-Downtown and those of the downtown Houston community. These shows of contemporary artwork, in all media, provide educational support to various university courses and to near-by schools, while the gallery itself functions as a site for university forums, meetings, and receptions. Exhibitions are free and open to the public.
OKane Theatre
The Harry W. OKane Theatre, established in 1970, was made possible by gifts from Harry W. OKane, Mary W. Bingman, and the Humphreys Foundation. UH-Downtown presents one theatrical production each long semester in the OKane Theatre. Participation is open to students, faculty, staff and alumni. The theatre, when not is use for theatrical productions, is used for various other university activities and events throughout the year. |