To apply to UHD as a transfer student, you must have previously earned
15 or more college-level credit hours.
UHD has worked with area community colleges to develop degree articulation
agreements. Students planning to transfer to UH-Downtown are encouraged
to direct their questions about the transferability of their courses to
their community college counselor or to the UHD Office of Admissions and
Records, 713-221-8522. In addition, UHD has prepared Course Equivalencies to help you determine how
many of your courses will transfer.
The State of Texas has developed a set of Common
Core Requirements (look in Catalog)
to ensure transferability of core courses among institutions in the state.
This guarantees that a course taken at any public college or university
that is identified as a state core course will automatically satisfy the
same core requirement at UHD.
Official evaluation of transfer credit is done once you are admitted to
the university. If your evaluation is not done prior to registration, you
should bring copies of your transfer transcripts to your advising session.
If you do not have copies, you may obtain copies from the Office of
Admissions and Records.