
This application is intended only for the purpose of estimating tuition and fees based on the information entered. Costs for housing, books, food, and other personal expenses are not included. Certain fees may not be included, and you should always rely on your actual tuition bill for calculating payments. The output generated by this tool is not a guarantee of future costs. Tuition and/or fees are subject to change at any time.

Please select your term:

Please select your residency status:

Please select your student level:

Please select your program type:

Please select your anticipated number of credit hours:

Please select your anticipated number of credit hours:

Graduate Certificate Courses may have additional charges of up to $168 per credit hour. Estimate does not include other charges such as (but not limited to) parking permits, testing, late registration, college, and new student orientation fees.
Estimate does not include other charges such as (but not limited to) parking permits, testing, late registration, college, and new student orientation fees.
**Totals do not include a mandatory health insurance fee https://www.uhd.edu/student-life/health/Pages/health-insurance.aspx
Wellness & Success Center Fee will be $65 if only enrolled in one 8 week session.